Worst movie... ever?

I'm not sure what I just saw. That was ABSOLUTELY HORRIBLE. I'm floored that they got Baccarin and Baldwin for this movie. Horrible effects, bad plot, laughable acting... wow. Thing is... I figure they were going for campy, but it didn't even rate that. I laughed my butt off to a certain degree, but I don't think I've ever said WTF that many times during a movie before.

Only in America do they call their king by his last name.


Not even close to the worst SciFi Saturday Movie. That distinction goes to Harpies
http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0829188/. I thought this one was rather good considering how bad they usually are.


Agreed... even Uwe Bowl would say, "That is a bad movie and I could have done better!"


Ok now I HAVE to watch it!

donĀ“t tolerate intolerance!


"Sands of Oblivion"?
More like "Sad and Oblivious" :P

It was pretty bad, but the SciFi Channel regularly produces stinkers, so its hard to say if it was the "Worst Ever".

All I know is SciFi once again duped me into staying with a boring movie till midnight.


At least you didn't wipe to it; maybe it'd be better if you did.

Nothing is more beautiful than nothing.


This must have been the first Sci-Fi movie you've ever seen if you think that. This movie wasn't even close to the worst Sci-Fi has put out. Check out Chupacabra: Dark Seas, Ice Spiders or the mecca, Raptor Island if you want some bad (and hilariously so) movies. For the worst movie you will ever see, go get Vampiyaz. Don't rent it though, buy it online. I got my copy for 15 cents and I'm lovin' it. I know bad movies, and this one is probably one of the best Sci-Fi features I've ever seen. I hope it's a fluke and they go back to the comedic gold they had been producing...


A bad movie yes but not even close to the worst I have seen. Not even the worst movie from the Sci-Fi channel. A least this one had a decent idea behind it even if it was very poorly done.


Definitely bad, but not the worse. You would think that the Sci FI channel would put out one quality movie a month rather then one bad a week. They could use the money from the other 3 movies to channel it into one. They use decent actors so imagine what they could do by starting with quality in the script. Especially during this time of year when most of TV is in reruns. I guess that would be too easy an answer.


Yes, I'd also prefer a good/decent movie of the month...

It just seems that SciFi take sover projects that are already failed or run over budget, clean them up so they can air them as cheaply as possible...


It's not a question of money. Decent ideas, script, acting, direction -- none of this requires enormous expense.


Are you really that ignorant? Even a crap movie requires enormous expense. Having been involved with small indie productions I can tell you to do any movie with good production requires some real money. Though I can also say even if there is enough money that doesn't mean it will be worth a damn. All has to be in order
Decent ideas, script, acting, direction and MONEY!


Everyone should keep in mind that Sci-Fi clearly is TRYING to make cheesy silly horror movies every Saturday (granted, some are TOO bad to even have fun watching; comedy is always hard to do). Accept the joke and have another beer, folks.


It would've been the worst movie ever if they'd put STEPHEN Baldwin in it and called it SANDSTORM.



The worst movie ever is Plan 9 from Outer space. Everything about it is bad; acting,special effects, dialogue, story..Nothing about this comes even close.


I love cheesy horror/scifi movies, and Im a huge Firely/ Serenity fan, so I was very excited to see this...

I even won a free DVD of this...and I couldnt get through it...absolutely terrible.

I like ellipses...

Plug and play? Howd they know my streetname?


I saw Stan Lee's Harpes the other night and....words fail me. I laughed and cringed the whole time. Baldwin....was as bad as he has ever been. If you like bad, bad films, you'd love it.

Why settle for the lesser of two evils? Vote Cthulhu!



I finally got the fix for these wretched SciFi Channel stinkeroos: record them on TiVo first, then keep a quick finger near the fast-forward button. Makes 'em almost painless.




That was a big arse for a 'knickers' shot. Also, I like the 'red' bits, car, bag, flask top, lamp stand, tub. I' ve given it a 'butchers' n it aint so bad so far. (Grandad's buried box search just gave way to ad break but I'm hooked.) LOL


while they do have alot of cheesy comedy lines in their scripts... no, they arent making comedy... lol..


It had a decent core idea behind it, but the film doesn't do a credible job of executing it, and it fell into predictable character interactions.
But there are worse, for example "30,000 Leagues Under The Sea" and "Krull" are worse.


I cast a vote towards the 2007 "AVH: Alien vs. Hunter" featuring the illustrious William Katt, as the worst movie ever. Yes, the same William Katt who, believe it or not, walked on air. Ah, Will, how sad. This film, also starring a favorite side actor of mine, Richard Kind, was a foolish Blu Ray purchase - nine dollars seemed a small price to pay, however, the thirty minutes of my life I lost watching this stinker... Not even laughably bad (like The Man with the Screaming Brain - yes, I went there).


you obviously never saw Alien Apocalypse... with Bruce Campbell and Renee O'Conner
