Citizen Kane

Anyone else catch the reference to the movie Citizen Kane? I had to absolutely agree with the hilarious remark Adam Baldwin's character made about it: (something along the lines of - ) "Rosebud's the sled. There, I just saved you two hours of your life."


Oh, great--you've just repeated what is probably one of the biggest spoilers of all time!

A lot of people absolutely wouldn't agree with this "hilarious" remark, and still more would like to have seen CITIZEN KANE without having the main plot point revealed in advance!


If you haven't seen Citizen Kane by now...well, the film is too well known not to be referenced in more recent films. Get used to it.


There's a lot of people who haven't seen CITIZEN KANE yet, especially young people. It's wrong to give away the ending to movies, even to well-known ones, particularly if it's done just for some dumb throwaway gag. A spoiler's a spoiler.


Like all movies, it's watching the entire film, not just the ending that make them worthwhile. Besides, knowing about Rosebud means absolutely NOTHING, if you don't see the whole film; it's all about context. So just chill, most young people these days never watching ANYTHING more then 20 years old anyway.


If the entire movie is leading up to a surprise revelation at the end, one which gives new meaning to everything that's gone before, then the ending is definitely worthwhile.

The surprise in CITIZEN KANE is discovering what ultimately meant the most to Kane after an entire lifetime dedicated to accumulating wealth and fame. Arbitrarily giving away the ending is a huge spoiler for anyone who hasn't seen it yet, including all the young people who happen to be interested in classic films.

It's all about having some consideration for people who haven't seen a particular movie yet, and not ruining their experience of it.


I knew about the ending of Citizen Kane before I saw it, and it didn't matter. I knew what to expect, but I still found it to be a fantastic film. This isn't really a spoiler that needs protecting, especially considering that the ending doesn't make any sense.

They're his last words, but he was alone when he said them... so there's no reason for anyone to be looking for the meaning, as nobody heard them ;)

Come son of Jor-El, kneel before Zod!


Yes, but like all journeys it is not just about "where" you end-up, but also about "what" you did along the way. Yes, knowing the BIG secret about Rosbud does tell you a little bit more about what Kane thought was important, however in order to really appreciate the irony of that a viewer needs to have seen the WHOLE movie; to take in all of the petty, mean and self-indulgent acts that Kane committed during his life.


The film is 60 years old and has been references in numerous other films and tv shows. There is a time limit, after which, "Spoiler" warnings are no longer required.



It's also been a question on numerous game shows

just because I can't spell does'nt mean your right


Come on! How many people do you think actually saw this? I don't think it spoiled anything for more than a couple people.


I've got to say that I agree with Baldwin's character. I watched CK without knowing anything about it other that the AFI said it was a great movie. I don't care what the AFI says, I want the two hours back that I wasted watching Citizen Kane (Stupid movie)!!!


You sir...are an idiot.


I also found Citizen Kane a stupid movie.


And now there's two/
