MovieChat Forums > Fall from Grace (2007) Discussion > This will scare the crap out of you!!

This will scare the crap out of you!!

OK, Thursday night I watched Fall From Grace on TV and was thoroughly disgusted, enraged, and actually kinda scared by the Phelps clan. Then Friday night, for Halloween, we watched a movie called End of the Line (check it out here: By the end of this movie I was even more scared than ever. Because, due to the power Phelps holds over his people, with just one little sentence from Fred Phelps to his congregation this movie, End of the Line, could very well come true!!!!
Something needs to be done about Phelps soon!!! Nothing of what he says or does should be protected by any constitution!!!!!


Relax.. Phelps is harmless. He is a repressed homosexual who has manipulated his family but has zero influence over anyone else.

His signs are very cleverly written so they don't cross the line into violence. "God Hates You" is the opposite of "God Loves You". It is an opinion. (In fact if you look at the world, which makes more sense?). "God Hates Fags" - Whatever.... Another opinion.

The silly movies like this one however do make him more legit. We should watch his group but basically ignore them media wise. They will die off eventually.


Phelps' estranged son Nate has said that his father's church is a cult and that if his father said God had told him to do a violent act, or even if Phelps just said he was led to do a violent act, they would follow him like little lemmings and do it. From what I saw, Nate Phelps is right.

But law enforcement is aware of this too. Law enforcement may look rather laid-back because so far Phelps has apparently not crossed the wrong line, but they are aware of the potential. These nutjobs wanting so much attention and getting it have also put themselves on a watch-list.
