Soooooo Funny!!!!

This movie has some of the funniest scenes I´ve seen in long time. My sides hurt from laughing. If you liked Wild Hogs, you will love this.
I can never understand why movies like this get such a hard response. It´s slapstick, pure and simple. Put your mind on cruise and just enjoy :-)



During the first 20 minutes, I was disappointed, but as time passed it got soooooooooo funny and amazing... WOW...I laughed till I cried, I love them,... Great film, good actors, good story, simple and interesting!!! I had a good time...that's all that matters


My family and I really enjoyed it.

Silly, gratuitous nonsense. A fun movie. jie324 is correct, if you like Wild Hogs or even RV, you'll enjoy this one.


Not that bad actually. If your expecting There Will be Blood you will be disappointed, just switch of your brain and enjoy it for what it is.



I hope you didn't actually pay with your own money for this piece of dreck... in Bluray it must come over even worse than in Blurry old DVD...


Hey all you posters in this thread, it seems you are all Disney-hired writers.
I would like to have a job I could do from home (since I can't drive).

I am fluent in english and my (american) husband said my english is often better than that of the (american) hicks around us. So I am qualified to write in english, I guess. I would love to be paid for writing on this board here and/or elsewhere.

I am also fluent in german (my native language) and very good in dutch and swedish. Would they have use for that, too? Are comments and praises also required in other languages, or just in english?

How can I become a paid commentator?
How much do they pay?
Is that by word, or by number of comments?
Are you given orders about the context you are supposed to write in?
Are you given characters you are supposed to be? (Like dumb hick enjoying even the stupidest crap)

Please let me know how I can become one of you!
We could definately use the extra income.
Reply with pm if you like, but please let me know!

Oh, almost forgot: is Disney the only corporation using paid commentators, or are there other opportunities also?


What you said.

Nobody could really believe that this film was remotely funny. The gags were so stale and predictable that I'm sure even children would become bored with them. I'm not sure my conscience would allow me to write such lies even if I was getting paid handsomely by Disney.


same here, i didnt have high expectations but i thought it wasnt too bad. at least considering its a Disney family movie, its probably one of the better ones in that category. it did have several hilarious parts. the end with the Safety guys spilling the pills, LMAO!! i laughed so hard.


It is what it is. I thought it was a very entertaining family movie,but there are some that didn't think it was. That's there right. No film is going to be liked or hated by everyone.


I think you're giving them way too much credit.
Unfortunately, some of these posters actually mean what they are writing.
Scary, isn't it?

"I'm gona put that blind man on a wheel chair!"


Erm..Did someone say PARANOIA??

For the record, I live in Scotland (UK). The closest I've ever come to dear old Walt was when I visited his mind-numbingly boring theme park back in 2000.

Bottom line, I enjoyed this movie's style of comedy, and I'm not too snob to admit it.

Although, I can see how some of the posters here may have missed the funny bits. Your view may very well have been skewed what with your heads being so far up your own *****



Kaufmeisterin... if you were paid to write, i would pay to read... best response in a forum i have ever read. x


kaufmeisterin, I love you.


> Put your mind on cruise and just enjoy :-)

Basically I don't like have to shut my brain off to be able to enjoy a movie. Too many scenes in the movie just didn't make any logical sense and seemed there just to give the actors a chance to act stupid.

> It´s slapstick, pure and simple.

Yet even the classic slapstick movies make sense. When the Three Stooges go somewhere to paint the room and hit each other with a ladder, it makes sense. But when Robin Williams sets a statue on fire, it makes no sense at all.

This movie felt like out-of-touch Hollywood producers trying to create a movie that makes fun of what normal people do every day. But since they have no clue what normal people do or think, they completely miss the mark when they try to make fun of them.

The movie just felt like an insult rather than a fun movie.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?


This movie was funny as hell. My wife and I watched this last night and we laughed our a$$es off. Don't know what is up with all the bad mouthing of this film. It's not trying to win any Oscars. Like a prior poster said it is slapstick comedy and thats it. I loved it.


> Don't know what is up with all the bad mouthing of this film.

I guess there are two kinds of movie watchers. The majority seem to be the kind with low standards who will clap and drool at anything Hollywood pumps out. If they tell you it is funny, then you laugh. And fortunately the producers leave pauses where you are supposed to laugh (in TV they use a laugh track for this). And when the movie is over you remember laughing a lot, so therefore the movie must have been good.

The other kind of movie goer demands a lot more from a movie. The scenes have to make sense and fit in with the rest of the movie and the jokes have to be clever. The writers have to put a lot of effort into making a witty and well-constructed movie before this kind of viewer gives it a thumbs up.

> It's not trying to win any Oscars.

Every movie maker SHOULD be trying to win an Oscar with every picture they make. That's been their dream ever since they went to film school. When they get to the point in their career where they are satisfied making a paycheck rather than a good movie, they have given up. That's sad.

It's like a master chef getting tired of trying to cook good food and taking a job flipping burgers at McDonald's.

> My wife and I watched this last night and we laughed our a$$es off.

At least you can say that you side with the majority. Most people will watch any old comedy or action flick simply because it is in theaters.

And, of course, McDonald's is the most popular restaurant in the world.

What Would Jesus Do For A Klondike Bar (WWJDFAKB)?


The reason 'why movies like this get such a hard response' is because there are two kinds of idiots: people who know they are idiots and film critics.

Film critics are different from most other people on the planet because they are stuck in the delusion that they are not idiots. Everybody is an idiot. The film has idiotic humour. Therefore it has basic humour that appeals to everyone. Critics train themselves not to laugh at low-brow humour, for shame.

If you enjoyed the movie then well done. You are honest.


I loved it too, gave it 9/10. Made me laugh the whole way through, don't know why it gets such bad reviews.


The comedy is pathetic and very outdated. Its almost like a pixar movie in reverse. Instead of aiming the plot and characters for kids and making the humour for adults they aim the plot and characters for adults and make the humour for kid. Travolta is no Vince Vaugn and Robin Williams like steve martin and chevy chase has sadly lost it and looked bored during the whole thing. i doubt anyone who thought this was funny including the writers has even seen a modern comedy movie or heard of comedians like Ricky Gervais. But thats what happens when you get old a little part of you called taste dies.


Couldn't agree more. It is SO funny! I laughed, laughed and LAUGHED. Love this movie.


My husband said he hasn't heard me laugh that hard in a long time. We didn't get to see it in the theater, so I bought it and we watched it at home. It was hilarious!!!!!!
The people that hated sad for them that they just can't allow themselves to enjoy something silly and touching.
We all know that Robin is a very funny guy, but I really think John needs to do more comedy because he is a hoot!
And to all the haters..."Up your nose wit' a rubbuh hose!" (Thank you Vinnie Barbarino!)


man i hope i die before i get old.


It was alright, however the "facial twitches" scene almost made me piss my pants.

annnnnnd here weeeee go..
