Cast Information

Yay! Looks like "Broken Windows" has made it to IMDB. Woo hoo!

While they work on updating the page here, you can obtain cast information at (my site). We still have a few casting announcements ahead of us, but we're mostly cast.

So excited about seeing this amazing script come to life with such a fantastic group of actors in the hands of a spectacular crew!

(I'm not unbiased, though.) Hee!


Live your dreams! If you don't, someone else will.


Bonnie, you done good. :-)

I saw the film this evening, and it was EXTREMELY well cast. I loved it.

Congratulations to everyone involved!


Thank you, Showman. Really appreciate your support!! :)

Live your dreams! If you don't, someone else will.



I'm curious about the aftermath of your making this film. Did it change your life in any way? I'm trying to get a film made and I'd love to know how it will all turn out. Hearing your story can help with that!


Well, Ed, I wasn't a filmmaker or even a producer on this film. I just did the casting. :)

I'd say all projects I work on change my life in some way, simply because I'm always learning new things, experiencing new challenges, working with new people. :) So, I hope that's somewhat helpful to you.

Good luck with your film! Being a part of the storytelling process is always so much fun!


Live your dreams! If you don't, someone else will.

by - Ed in MO on Mon Oct 11 2010 14:25:15 Bonnie--

I'm curious about the aftermath of your making this film. Did it change your life in any way? I'm trying to get a film made and I'd love to know how it will all turn out. Hearing your story can help with that!
