MovieChat Forums > The Spectacular Spider-Man (2008) Discussion > IMPORTANT: To all fans - together, let's...

IMPORTANT: To all fans - together, let's write a letter to Disney/Marvel

Yes, I know that many of you have tried already and I know everything about the situation at hand, but let's do it anyway. Let us try once more. Because it ain't over till it's over. Plus, I'm sure no one here can just let go of what was planned for SpecSpidey.

So my idea is; let's all write a letter to Disney/Marvel and explain how we feel and what we want! Now, nothing will probably happen in the end, but at least they will read it and reflect upon it. Especially if the letter comes from the heart (which it will).

My idea is as goes: We all write a short letter (100-150 words) telling what made us love Spectacular Spider-Man in the first place and why it needs to continue. We all write the letters here on this board, in this thread. I will then collect all letters, and write one big letter incorporating everyone's thoughts. Then, I'll post the final letter here on the boards so that we can add, erase and rewrite parts in collaboration. In other words: we write and process this letter together. When we're all happy and when we feel like we have made our point, I'll send it to Disney/Marvel. THE LETTER NEEDS TO BE PERFECT!

What do you think? Do you understand my idea? SO: Everyone, write why you love SpecSpidey, what it has brought you, why it is important and why it needs to continue.

We'll find the correct address and whom to send the letter to when we've finished the letter.


you cant petition a cancellation. cancellations are business decisions which are almost impossible to beat. BUT there is a way.
family guy canceled years ago after its first or second season but resurrected because high DVD sales.
there is a chance, very SMALL CHANCE, that very high DVD sales will bring it back and when i say very high i mean very very high like half of USA total citizens even if its been 3 years since the end of season 2.

you want it back ? you must prove its a show they can milk lots of cash of it. enough to get a time slot.


Not going to happen unfortunately.

It has nothing to do with success but because of who owns the rights -- Sony sold the cartoon rights back to Disney/Marvel. So for Disney/Marvel to continue it, they would have to license SSM back from Sony which defeats the purpose of their deal.

Best we can hope for at this point is a Second Season DVD set...
