Does it match?

If anyone read "A group of cheerleaders makes the unfortunate decision to spend the night in an abandoned farmhouse. Once they've settled in, the girls discover the creepy cottage is haunted by a dead boy who killed his brother four decades earlier, drained his blood and used it to paint a portrait of his murdered sibling. Seanna McDonald, Missy Sturges, Nikki Cordell, Lily Vu and Nicholls Melancon co-star in this chilling horror flick directed by Brad Wiebe." on the back of the cover it sounds like somthing you might pick up...

That if that actually happens! After wasting time I'll never get back we relized that non of that actually happens! Whoever wrote the cover would sure make a good movie, but this was not that! The boys in the movie seemed pretty alive. The audio didn't quite work, but I don't thinmk being able to hear it would have made it better!



It is usually not the film-maker who is responsible for the cover art and the description on the back of the case. That is normally done by someone associated with the distributor and who may be completely unfamiliar with the actual film; but is still tasked with creating something that will make the DVD jump off of the shelves. That is why so many low budget films have what appear to be misleading covers. You can't blame that on the people who made the film.

If you can't beat them, join them, then kill them in their sleep.
