UK release?

Just discovered this, dying to see it! So excited about Ayako Fujitani and Ayumi Ito directed by Michel Gondry. Anyone know of a US/UK release, or is it only being given general release in Asia?

Tomorrow is my birthday.


Hi there, I'm not sure about general UK release but the BFI London Film Festival is playing this film twice. The first screening is on Sat 18th October at 23.00 and the second is on Tuesday 21st October at 13.00. I've already booked tickets to the second one, don't know if they will have sold out or not.
If you can't make it to London I'm fairly confident the film will get some kind of release, if only in arthouse/independent cinemas. I think this will happen purely becuase Michel Gondry was involved, plus arthouse audiences love Carax and it's been about 8 years since he did his last feature.
Hope this helps.


Thanks for the info, it's just convinient I discovered this just as it's due to come out over here. I'm sure the Glasgow Film Theatre will do a wee run of it, as you say, primarily for Michel Gondry's input.

Tomorrow is my birthday.


The imdb's release dates section have this down as showing at the Glasgow Film Festival in February!



Tomorrow is my birthday.
