This movie was absolutely horrible. I could barely sit through the first 10 minutes of this sad excuse for a film. I ended up fast forwarding it thinking this was a joke or if there was something more to this film but I ended up just turning it off and deleting it off of my hard-drive.

I thank God that I did not spend a penny on this. Where would you even buy some cheesy C-rated crap like this?


You can buy this movie at Amazon, Best Buy, Sam Goody, pretty much any retail store in the country. And you can rent it at most video stores and Netflix. Lots of people differ with your opinion. I thought that this was a great independent film with a great message.


Possibly one of the worst sports films--no, make that just film of any kind-- that I've seen. Rates right up there with Plan 9 From Outer Space. Could have been directed by Ed Wood, it's that bad. Actually, not even Ed Wood could have made this film, because even he would have recognized how bad this film is.

The basketball scenes were unrealistic, wooden and just plain silly. Bad acting, players who were supposed to be in high school who looked like 40 year old insurance salesmen playing in the local rec league (e.g., fat, overweight guys, mostly white guys). My favorite was the shot where a player takes a three, misses, and there's a quick cut to a ref who is holding up both arms to indicate a made three....huh? And the girlfriend who shows up in the stands at every game, every practice, every tryout...kind of like Danilo's stalker.
Casting is very odd, to say the least. His father looks age appropriate, but the mother looks about as old as her 17 year old son (which is to say the 17 year old is hardly believable).

I rented this from Netflix, and couldn't believe how bad this film was. I fast forwarded through some of it, and then went back and watched it all, just because I couldn't believe it could possibly have been this bad.

And what the heck is up with the last scene, with the fired coach sitting in a car with the grandma crack whore? Seriously, it's just too weird to be taken seriously, and too weird to be truly funny.

Now who do I see about getting back the hour and a half I wasted on this tripe.


LMAO...I totally disagree. I caught this film at the Indie Gathering, which actually took first place in Sports Drama, and I beg to differ with you.

First of all, the basketball scenes were fantastic for a movie that was shot for only a 15,000 dollar budget. Did a little bit of research. Second, I have seen much older actors playing teenagers in other films. As far as the basketball players, did you happen to forget about the black ball players that could jump out of the gym? What about Dan Milano? That guy had some major skills and athleticism. Overweight fat guys? I saw maybe one overweight white guy. Were we watching the same movie? Third, a referre raising his hands after the guy takes the three is his way of signaling that the shot will count for three, in this movie the referee does not signal after the three misses. The player takes the shot, we see the referee signal, then the three misses. And the girlfriend showing up at the games and the tryouts is thoroughly explained in two different scenes. Pay attention to the dialogue. Like I said, did we watch the same movie? By the way, if you think that the mother looks as old as her seventeen year old son then you are a really bad judge of age. Also, who is Danilo? Are you talking about the actor who played Dan Milano?

The scene at the end with the coach and his transsexual wife is hysterical. Couldn't it be more obvious that they are just making fun of the coach on purpose?

I agree with Zack's and Paul Beeso's post. I wouldn't be surprised if the two negative comments on this board are coming from either coaches, or people who just know the filmmakers of this movie.

From what I know, this film has gotten world wide distribution with the biggest and the best retailers in this country as well as others.


Re: Reply to CandC:

First, there is a reason Dan Milano isn't playing basketball for money, and "Foul Shot" is graphic evidence why that's the case. I'm sure he's a really great guy, but he is not a pro player, nor does he have the skills to be a pro player.

Second, read a rule book: When signalling a three, the ref first is supposed to raise one arm while the shot is being attempted (to signal a three-point attempt); if the shot is good, the ref is then supposed to raise his other arm, indicating a made three-point basket. On the other hand, if the shot is missed, the ref is then supposed to drops his one raised arm. He doesn't, however, raise both arms unless the shot is made. In the film though, there are several scenes where the ball is seen from the top of the backboard (a downward shot) and is shown rimming out, i.e., a missed shot. The scene then cuts to the ref raising both arms, signalling a made basket. That's just one instance of why this is just a bad sports movie.

Third: This was not just a bad sports movie. It was just a bad film. Period.


I watched the whole movie and you didn't.
You are probably suffering from a short attention span and unable to comprehend
anything more complex than a cartoon.

People who say crap about B-movies usually are jealous because they could not do anything like this themselves.

do the world a favor and choke on a chicken bone!

