MovieChat Forums > Bad Biology (2009) Discussion > Does anyone know when this will be avail...

Does anyone know when this will be available on DVD or in theatres

Im sure i will not get to see this in the theatre, for if it even gets a theatrical release, I'm sure it will be very limited. But does anyone have any clue as to when this might come out on DVD?


It's playing at London Fright Fest in the UK but there are no other release dates yet.


i was there and i met frank henenlotter and the cast. he was so nice to talk to. great great day. i had seen all his movies and i was so happy to meet him.

msn: [email protected]


just found out my city (san francisco) did a screening of this a week or so back, cannot believe I missed it.

No dvd release date - I don't think it even has a distributor.
looks like 2009 will be the earliest we will get to see this...sad news!


I wish they would screen it a little more, not just at festivals. I know if they played it for a night or two her in Atlanta at The Plaza they'd have sold out screenings. And every bit of money it makes will help it get a better distributor than it could have. Plus I just really want to see it and don't want to wait upwards of a year to see it on DVD!


It is coming to DVD in the UK (region 2) March 2nd 2009 by Revolver Entertainment.
I don't have any information as when it will be released in the states...


Out on UK (Region 2) DVD on March 2 -0 completely uncut;

You can pre-prder from the below links;


HMV -;5;72;-1;2&sku=909873



found it on a few torrent sites, but I wanted to support this film so I bought it from
even though I don't have a dvd player that plays region 2 dvd's I'm sure I can rip and burn it to convert to region 1

anyway go buy it people!! Hope a US release is being planned!


Just watched it, pretty amusing film i got it online from HMV for £6.99, money well spent!

Cop: You're going to burn for this, Angel.
Harry Angel: I know. In hell.


very cool, got it from amazon UK for 6.99 pounds....price has gone up a few pence but worth it!
gonna watch it as soon as my copy arrives from overseas (and I convert it to region 1)

glad to see this board is active too!


Let us know what you thought of it when you've watched it, fancy watching Brain Damage now!

Cop: You're going to burn for this, Angel.
Harry Angel: I know. In hell.


LOVED it, laughed the whole way through
wanna see more gore for his next flick, which I HOPE he does at least 1 more.

cool film frank! glad you are back!!


The version you have isn't uncut. It's missing a good 15 minutes.


Netflix has it.

Liquor & Whores,Bitches!

I Kill Kids!
