jesus never existed

i thought to start looking for evidence jesus actually existed after i found out that all the bible writings were written long after he died. then i found out the shroud of turin isnt validated by rome. then i found no proof of a grave or a holy grail or any carpentry he made but all that stuff is 2,000 years old and likely wouldnt have survived. then i went to a museum and saw a bunch of 2,000 year old items that were in amazing condition and started to wonder why something of jesus wouldnt have been set aside by even 1 supporter had kept. then i started listening to psychology and realize that all the stuff in the bible is a primitive take on psychology to help people live a little better and easier. next to none of it is real. its just primitive psychology. jesus 'dying for your sins' and you being forgiven is just to ease us from the stresses of wrongdoing. eases the subconscious and conscious and unconscious weight. there is also a ton of evidence that all of the miracles surrounding jesus were taken from other gods like osirus dionysus. like born of a virgin, crucified.....etc

sorry but jesus and your god are just santa clause for adults

carl jung 'the confrontation with god is the confrontation of the unconscious'
