Wonder ahead of JL

Who would've thought...


There were legions who wanted WW to be very successful and because WW was in JL one would think that there would be a WW audience boost to JL. The drag on JL seems to be BvS of which WW was in that movie also and she was well received.

JL is truly underperforming and the allegedly loyal and faithful DC fans don't appear to be supporting this product from Warner/DC. Would have thought that for a single movie WW would show more audience worship than JL? WW was an event movie and JL was not due to introducing DC's World's Finest in a dour and emo BvS. JL was no longer an event team up movie. DC/Warner already had Suicide Squad, BvS and introduced a league without Green Lantern, Martian Manhunter and a Teen Titan in a vain attempt to diversify the team.

Who would've thought....

Clearly WB/DC were thinking but in my view they over thought and over reached and shot right past their intended audience. The movie will make money and just because WW is a more critical and financial success than JL doesn't mean it is an abject failure even by comparison.


While what you are posting is correct and I agree with it, I think that what the OP meant is that the movie "Wonder", yesterday (Tuesday) made more money than JL. So, a movie released at the same time with lot less fanfare just passed Justice League on day to day basis.




Thank you for being kind enough to point out my Faux Pas sans ridicule. And looking past my inability to read with detail "Wonder" making more than JL and T:R means even less to me. And I am no JL or WB/DC apologist.


It's Ok, no big deal amigo... However, there is a big difference between Wonder making more than JL in a daily basis, than Wonder making more than T:R. It is expected by now that Wonder makes more money than Thor in a daily basis because they have two week separation between their releases. Thor already made 97% of its money, it is winding down. While with Justice League, both movies were released the same weekend and while Justice League opened near 100 million dollars and was considered a blockbuster, Wonder is considered a small film which opened well behind JL. So, it's inconceivable that by now the small movie is making more than the big blockbuster. That says a lot of JL failure.


Both movies opening on 11/17 and the daily trends for both movies show that "Wonder" found and is holding onto an audience while JL never found as well as is losing it's audience. I wouldn't say that it is an inconceivable situation for the two movies going in opposite directions. Wonder opened in 3000 theaters and expanded. JL opened in 4000 and contracted. They are just a few theaters apart and "Wonder" has the higher per screen average.

The two movies have a lot of audience overlap but that isn't to say that if "Wonder" weren't on the Marquee that those families would have went to see JL instead. Very interesting observation by you guys.

Also, not that it is significant or anything but T:R moved up a spot to #4 just barely but is indeed holding onto an audience with not-too-stiff competition from JL.


Why bringing Thor to the conversation? That thing opened two weeks prior to both JL and Wonder. We'll talk about Thor when/if it surpasses JL's daily incomes. Though it seems that's more a "when" than an "if" :)


If Thor:Ragnarok passes JL's daily numbers that would be an epic free fall for Warner/DC. T:R has only been out for 40 days and should stay in theaters about 60 to 70 more tops.


As of yesterday Thor's daily box office is nervously close to JL. Yikes!! Just ~$130K between the two. Now I don't really expect JL to diminish to the point of falling behind Thor:Ragnarok but even that minimal amount of dollar distance is already stunning.




What a shame, DCEU beaten again, as always...
