Evolution as a fact

Evolution is a fact in the same vein that gravity is, yet the so called "theory" of evolution deals with why, or how, it occurs, much like the theory of gravity does as well. Newton's law basically applies to the physics of objects caught in gravity, not why or how it occurs specifically.

That said, the facts that build the backbone of the theory of evolution are:

1. Speciation[1]: It has occurred in our lifetime in labs.
2. Fossil record[2]: Thousands of intermediate fossils found. Not to mention that to falsify ToE all you would have to do is find a rabbit or [3]hare in the Cambrian, yet to this day, the finds in the fossil record form a natural hierarchy with simple organisms first and more complex organisms found as you continue.
3. Genetics[4]: Comparing the genome between species forms a complete family tree just as Darwin predicted. We share around 95% of our DNA with chimpanzees, even less than that with Gorillas, even less with other mammals, and even less with reptiles and so on.
4. The age of the Earth[5]: 4.5 billion years old. This gives plenty of time for evolution to occur as predicted, and even creationists acknowledge variation via adaptation to have occurred within "kinds"(which is a purely religious word) yet do not follow it to the logical conclusion which is exactly what evolution suggests.

With all that said, ToE is a simple yet eloquent theory that explains the diversity of life. Variation occurs because of genetic components and successful variations are not random, but selected by an ever changing environment. Those who adapt successfully survive, those who do not, don't.


[1] http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/3790531.stm
[2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_transitional_fossils (with its own set of cited references)
[3] http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1090909-6,00.html
[4] http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2005/08/0831_050831_chimp_genes.html
[5] http://pubs.usgs.gov/gip/geotime/age.html


Yep. You might as well believe you don't exist than evolution is not true. It is known with as much certainty as anything could possibly be, Q.E.D., and no wishing otherwise will ever change concrete certainty...unless one is literally insane (like all religious people are: believing in what there is no evidence for and all the evidence in the world against is the mark of a very sick mind, and most people are very irrational...only a minority are mentally and emotionally healthy enough--and smart enough--to accept the reality of the world).


Well, I'm not religious. I'm a Christian. There's a difference, a difference that only a true Christian recognizes. And I can tell you, I'm mentally sound. I can also tell you God is very real. There are things I could tell you about the supernatural I've personally experienced, that leaves absolutely no doubt in my mind that God exists and the Bible is real. There is something that happens in your heart when you accept Christ, that removes all doubt and you just KNOW.
But even if I weren't a Christian, evolution...I mean, if it were real...why are there still monkeys? Why haven't humans continued to evolve? Why aren't the monkeys continuing to evolve?
I think it's interesting that Darwin had a Christian wife. Not coincidence.


why are there still monkeys?

We didn't evolve from monkeys, we share common ancestry.

Why haven't humans continued to evolve? Why aren't the monkeys continuing to evolve?

We have and they are. At no point in a populations evolution are two adjoined generations significant different than one another. Descent with modification drives cumulative change.

Youtube users to sub; http://www.youtube.com/thesciencefoundation


The bible...if it were real...why does God not appear to us if he wants us to believe? Don't bother answering, I know there is no real response of any merit. Thanks for writing "I'm a Christian" and "I'm mentally sound" in the same post, it gave me a good laugh.



I can always tell someone is joking when they say "Why are there still monkeys?".

Most people on the internet only pretend they don't believe evolution is real.


Really? You think they would get bored after a while.
I have had people use the "monkey" line to my face, and worst of all they seem to think it is a devastating argument. I have visited the US several times and the religiosity there never fails to amaze me, not that people believe but that they are so vocal about it and let it into public discourse.

Roy 72.


"But even if I weren't a Christian, evolution...I mean, if it were real...why are there still monkeys? Why haven't humans continued to evolve? Why aren't the monkeys continuing to evolve?"

==The other guys explained it but if you want, visit answers in genesis, which is a site by Ken Ham and the religious group he has founded.
You will find the same explanation there.
So as you can see, even the most insane fundamentalist like Ken Ham understands a bit about the theory.

Population groups split. It is that simple.
Example: You have american english and british english.

"I can also tell you God is very real."

==But every religious group tells me this. What I am interested in is evidence and logic.

"There are things I could tell you about the supernatural I've personally experienced"

==OK, so what are supernatural things made of? Can you write a physics book about it?


"There are things I could tell you about the supernatural I've personally experienced"

People who have met Derren Brown have also had (what they believe to be) "supernatural experiences".

Anecdote and personal feelings don't mean a thing. Evidence is what matters.


Did you mean to reply to KindredSouls?
He is the guy talking about personal supernatural experiences (whatever supernatural is suppose to mean.

Seriously, I have no idea what supernatural is suppose to be.


"Did you mean to reply to KindredSouls?"


I think when someone uses the word "supernatural", they're alluding to anything that SEEMS to defy rational explanation and scientific scrutiny.

Unfortunately, people often conclude something is supernatural too readily. When shown evidence to the contrary they get despondent, or even angry. As Ned Flanders said:

"Science is like a blabbermouth that ruins the end of a movie. Well I say there are things we don't want the answers to. Important things!"
