MovieChat Forums > Red (2008) Discussion > How graphic is the dog murder?

How graphic is the dog murder?

How graphic is the actual killing of the dog? I'm a huge McKee fan, and I want to see this, but animal cruelty scenes are hard for me to watch.



Thank you, I'm looking forward to seeing this.


What's it matter either way, you know it's not real so just tell yourself that, it's hardly "Badlands" now is it.


If you can't suspend disbelief enough to make a movie seem real while you're watching it, what's the point?


The shooting wasnt graphic...him showing the remains of his dog a few weeks after its been buried to the crazy family...a little graphic...


porfle,this was probably the best comment i have ever read on IMDB!

"I mean i just wanted to leave,you know my apartment,meet a nice girl and now ive gotta die for it"


Supermylo64's comment isn't worth a response. He's an idiot troll who goes on line to say stupid things, because he's tired of being ridiculed and having his ass kicked for saying them in real life.


Some parts of the world kill dogs for their meat.

They breed them as a meat source, just like us Americans slaughtering millions of cows and chickens.

Not to add duck and TURKEY (Americans force the turkey's to grow fat by tying them up so they can't exercise as much).


Maybe Brian Cox will have a pet turkey in the sequel.


So how is killing and eating a dog the same as killing a cow or a chicken? A dog can learn something like 100-200 words and phrases spoken by it's owner. A chicken can not. And just because some cultures eat dogs, and "breed" them for food doesn't make the creation of dogs non existent, and doesn't mean it's moral. In some countries if you do drugs, you get your head chopped off in the town square? are you gonna say that because that's within the culture that's cool?

Of course all animal cruelty is wrong, and all animals should be given the chance by humans to die with respect, and not tortured, but you can't compare a dog to a duck. And you insinuate that we Americans all have animal torture chambers to overfeed geese in our backyards and we are the only ones that eat Turkey. Most Americans are not the same in diet or beliefs. This is a multi cultural land of immigrants, and there is no norm. Where I live, Foie gras via force feeding is outlawed-- Rightfully so.

Dogs were created by man for company as well as hunting partners. They were not forcefully evolved by us to be used as food. It is morally wrong to treat them as such when they are made to be our friend. Watch Nat Geo's "Science Of Dogs" and learn something about these animals that deserve our respect and love.

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It depends on how you are comparing values. IQ? How they taste? Looks? IQ is inappropriate to base whether an animal should be valued. What about humans with low IQ? Should they not be valued? It's very anthropocentric to think that animals are only valued based on what they can do for humans. Respect and value should be based on sentience. That's why some people choose not to eat any of them.


A pig is at least as intelligent as a dog and most of us don't hesitate to eat it. The question I'd like to ask to someone reasoning like you is: why is the degree of intelligence the factor that determines what is ok or not ok to kill? The capacity to suffer isn't linear with intelligence, stupid animals can suffer as much as smart ones.

And more importantly: if we use intelligence as the dividing factor between kill and no kill animals exactly where that line is drawn is a subjective decision, not something absolute. What stops someone from pushing the limit of what she accepts is an acceptable level of intelligence for killing into human territory? There are animals (most notably primates) that are more intelligent than certain human beings with certain mental defects, this implies one might decide that some people are ok to kill and eat whereas some animals are not. What about small children, a dog (or pig) is most certainly more intelligent than a three month old baby?

If you think about it you have to conclude that intelligence is not a sufficient determining factor and it leads to seriously flawed conclusions. In fact, the only principle that's of morally complete and consistent enough is to make an arbitrary decision that killing human beings is wrong and killing animals is ok. It's still not a very strong position and morally it's much easier to argue for strict veganism, but if we want some kind of moral framework around acceptable and unacceptable that is as good as it gets, the alternative is that either everyone is free to decide on case by case basis if it's ok to kill or that we construct a detailed categorization for each and every species and situation that is not based on some general guiding principle but subjectiveness and feelings which is of course not ideal.


there were actually two dogs in that scene. One was the "hero" dog, who played Red and did his reactions to the boys, growled on cue, etc. The other dog was a stunt dog, and he was rigged up to fall down very quickly after being "shot." They looked a lot alike but had different skill sets. Their handlers were professional dog trainers who owned both animals -- neither dog was hurt in the slightest.


What about the fact Danny had a loaded shotgun to the guys head insisting on money. That would be like aggravated assault with a deadly weapon and attempted robbery and a couple of other things that could be added on. A total 1st class felony! The movie is rated R and just dont get that people are okay seein extreme graphic violence against Humans but freak out if it deals with an animal. I don't know where you are from but U.S. Americans are getting way wussified!

Would you have asked this question if Danny shot the dudes forehead off. Just, that must be okay to watch.


To be fair, sometimes some humans just deserve it more.


Much agree ...(in text or whatever) I think you are sayin' things need to happen ( in context of the movie).


If you don't understand the original question and the feeling behind it, how did you enjoy the movie or understand the lead character?


I was worried about the same scene, but it's not bad. It's just a sound and facial reactions.

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