Lara´s mother?

I never got that Lara´s mother story. Is she dead or not? I played Legend, Anniversary and Underworld but never paid much attention to the story. I thought that at the end she will find her mother.

Why not?




Okay from Tomb raider Legend, Young Lara and her mother crash into Himalayas right? Well Lara comes across a dias with a sword still in it. She pushes it and activates the gate to the other side. Well, Lara's Mother, Amelia goes to investiage, she hears from the other side that if she doesnt pull the sword, it will explode. So Amelia pulls the sword and is transfered to Helheim (which is thought to be Avalon by Amanda).

well When Lara gets all the pieces to the sword and kills all amanda's goons plus her boyfriend, Rutland, She activates the other gate, and she can see her mom from the past. Lara tries to explain to her mother that its her daughter, but Amanda tells Lara, NOT Amelia that if she doesnt pull the sword out, it will explode. Amelia hears this, and pulls the sword. understand now?

In Tomb Raider Underworld, Lara needs Thor's Hammer to enter Helheim. When she enters, she finds that her mother is dead, becuase Amelia somehow either fell into the thrall poison or was attacked by a thrall and turned into one. so yea, Amelia is dead.

Lara finds the Dias portal that Amelia was transfered to and discovered that Amelia didnt probably didnt know how to work it. long story short she and amanda figured it out and transported back to the area where her and Amelia were first stranded. so thats the story behind it. :p

oops, i didnt mean to reply to you. lol :)


I somehow believe Amelia is still alive.. In Legends when little Lara is in the plane with her
Mother, if you pay close Amelia's hair is jet black with a hint of grey. In underworld the thrall had
Completely brown hair. The dias was a mysterious portal, somehow it also had the ability to connect the
Past, present, and future.. Good example was when Lara spoke to amelia through the portal. Natla
Didn't know exactly what happened to amelia, she just knew she'd disappeared.. There are just soo many
Gaps that haven't been filled..


Well I do hope that Amelia is alive because its quite sad that her mom is missed for 40 years of Lara's life, all alone in a world barely known to man. I can't understand how she could be alive unless Lara can somehow go into the past and stop herself from activating the sword that caught Amelia's attention. I would really like it if they brought her mom back or made her search deeper into Avalon.

But i heard we have two more Tomb Raider games, maybe there will be some explanation.


[quote]ell I do hope that Amelia is alive because its quite sad that her mom is missed for 40 years of Lara's life, all alone in a world barely known to man.[quote]

40 years of Lara's life? That would make Lara, like, 48 years old! She's pretty good looking and limber for a chick who should be planning her 50th birthday party! LOL!

"Feeling Stupid? I know I am!" - Homer J. Simpson


Oh yea! i read on that Lara is in her 40s. I always thought she was like 22 or something, no she's in her 40s.


I just found a bio that lists her DOB in 1968, but the details were from her old (pre-Legend) bio. Are you sure that this isn't where you got her age from? Assumedly, they would've changed her birthdate when they changed the rest of her life in Legend.

"Feeling Stupid? I know I am!" - Homer J. Simpson


Well i heard that there were varies biographies of her, so that COULD be the one.


Maybe she's supposed to be 28 because the first game came out in 1996 and her bio said she was born 1968 so that would make her 28. I think that the creators are sticking to that age and not making her any older because she looks like she's in her 20's.


That would make sense, especially if you have hopes of this becoming a really long-running franchise (it has the potential for that, if they can maintain a Legend level of quality in their games).

Afterall, if James Bond kept his original birthdate, he'd be in his 80s by now.

"Feeling Stupid? I know I am!" - Homer J. Simpson


Yeah I'm kind of ify about her age. On the Tomb Raider Chronicles website it says she was born around 1963-1965 so she would be 45-48 and I just thought maybe around 35 in Underworld

Half-Blood Son of Poseidon, Son of Adam, Gryffindor 7th year and Honorary TR: Underworld fan


Why do you think Lara became who she is? There are loads of reasons but don't you think one of the main ones was this? Cause she had no mother for years and years, just a father?

Bourne + Bond = Best Action Film Award


I think Lara's mom is dead, she saw her and shot her until she fell off of the cliff. Poor Lara.

"I am the ultimate badass, you do not wanna `*beep*` wit' me!" Hudson in Aliens.
