MovieChat Forums > iCarly (2007) Discussion > Sam and Freddie's romantic relationship.

Sam and Freddie's romantic relationship.

I absolutely loathed the way Sam and Freddie became a couple for a temporary time. Dan Schneider does not know how to write romance at all! It was so rushed, out of character, forced, no development, and felt like a fanfiction. <<<< --- Most fanfictions have all those characteristics.

I was actually a Seddie shipper for a couple of years prior, and I thought they had so much potential.

Jennette and Nathan are also terrible onscreen kissers. If they were on a more mature/adult comedy show, the director would yell at them for kissing so ever-so poorly.




Nathan and Jen have no sexual tension. That's why their kissing looked crap. And you can't even say "it's because Nick would tone it down" after watching Miranda/Carly make out with Griffin and Freddie in earlier episodes.

It was so rushed, out of character, forced, no development, and felt like a fanfiction.

It is what it is. I'm glad you can recognise it.

Even with 5 episodes it still felt rushed. Why? The first one spent the entire time obscuring Sam's feelings. The second spent the entire time obscuring what Freddie would do. So despite spending 5 episodes on the concept they only used three to actually show them in a relationship and the 5th one they broke up in, which is why it feels rushed, the relationship seemed to end quicker than the 5 episodes that made up the arc.

Out of character. Yep. Freddie had run away from Melanie because he thought she was Sam. If he knew the real Melanie he wouldn't have done it because Melanie is the type of girl who does match what he wants in a girl. Sam doesn't match at all. And of course we have the obvious, constant, fundamental (it was the first thing we ever found out about him) aspect of his character being his crush/love for Carly. He'd also repeatedly stated that their kiss meant nothing and had not shown one iota of romantic interest in Sam.

Sam it's less out of character, but that's because it's just such a cliché, the 'mean girl has hidden feelings for the guy she bullies', but it still lacked actual development of that premise.

No development/Forced. This was one of the most forced, undeveloped, unromantic 'romances' I've ever seen between main characters. Despite having all the so called "secret seddie" to choose from (iKiss, iSaved Your Life or iSpeed Date jealous etc etc), the writers crammed the Seddie down the viewers throat in the final episode of a season, without developing the idea before that final episode by not referring to any previous possible Seddie moments.

In the previous episodes Sam doesn't act like she does in iOMG.

Then in iOMG she's suddenly all lovey dovey. Note that this only happens when Brad turns up, which is only in this episode. No feelings until iOMG.

Then they make the catalyst for her feelings Freddie getting badly hurt. Great foundation for a relationship. It's a line to the shippers to say "no, you weren't seeing hidden feelings in the last 50 episodes, we're throwing you a bone, Seddie hasn't been our plan all along, don't read more into this than face value." So Sam on a whim decides he's cute and gets a crush on Freddie.

Fredde, this is the major example of how forced it was. Freddie doesn't even give a reason for why he likes Sam. Why would he? She's a bully to him, beats him up, antagonises him, hurts him, insults his mother, his work and his feelings for Carly. She is everything a rational person would avoid in a romantic partner. So the writers don't even give him an explanation until like the 4th episode where he goes "Well that kiss was intense" which somehow means you should enter a relationship.

And of course it flames out. It's the only decent part of the entire mess, that they showed just how crap the pairing is, destroyed it, and sank it with the friendship "i love you" exchange. Of course Dan then backed down from that because he tries to please everyone, by refusing to tell everyone that they meant as friends and that Seddie wouldn't happen again, but that's just another of Dan's problems as a writer and show runner.

Now the final issue: Like a fanfiction.

This is so true. Many, probably thousands, of Seddie fanfics use the same cliche premise:
* Sam and Freddie get locked in somewhere together.
* Sam has the hidden feelings & kisses him to show him
* Freddie likes Sam back for no reason.
* Carly plays the role as matchmaker.

About the only clichés that weren't included were it wasn't because of a Romeo & Juliet play, no-one got pregnant and no-one was a vampire.

It was a complete waste of 5 episodes and is the proven catalyst for the dismal ratings, and one that I strongly believe was the cause of Victorious being cancelled as the flagship show stopped pulling in viewers, causing Victorious to tumble because when they stopped watching iCarly they stopped watching Nick as a whole.

hah ho peace out suckas!


you are still the same *beep* up guy you have always been.


you are still the same *beep* up guy you have always been.

And you're still the same intellectually vacant fool who can't help but stick his nose in where he's not smart enough to get involved with logical discourse, choosing instead to spam the vapid child-like insults that are in the vein of a child who couldn't get his Mommy to buy a happy meal as they drive past McDonalds.

hah ho peace out suckas!


I don't think the concept of having Freddie and Sam date was bad, just the execution. Compare the Seddie arc with iSaved Your Life (the most Creddie episode). iSYL managed (in a single episode) to bring Carly and Freddie together, show why the didn't work as a couple, end Freddie's annoying obsession with Carly, show what Sam thought of them dating, and break them up. Plus there was a B story line that was funny and didn't disrupt the main plot to much.
The Seddie arc began with wasting two episodes so Dan could get shock endings (that everyone expecting). It took two episodes for them to start dating. And why do they start? Because a group of kids made an app that reads this 6/Pearpadamazing.png as love. A rushed, forced, out of character story starts with a faulty app. Then when we finally get a reason it's some off screen event (Sam - "Do you remember that time ..." Me - "No"). He then wasted another 2 episodes to establish Carly is the only thing keeping them together and everyone is worse off.

The Seddie arc actually hit most plot points I think a Seddie arc needed, they were just buried under a ton of padding. An arc should: 1. Show Sam/Freddie as being emotionally unsure with regards to Freddie/Sam 2. Have Carly misinterpret that as hidden affection and force them to date 3. Remove Carly so they can realize that just because there relationship is changing doesn't mean they're falling in love. That's one, maybe two episodes. Not Five.


Although not a huge fan of the execution, I knew from the start of the show this was a relationship they might use. Please the girl who picks on and teases the guy always has an underlying feelings for the guy.


Agreed, the seddie arc may have worked if the writing had done a better job leading us into it. Unfortunately the show itself had no character development whatsoever, making the arc look much worse than it probably should have. Dan and his team chose to back out of what they chose to start and it ended up backfiring on the entire show


Same with me I never saw it between them


After they broke up, I missed their romantic relationship.

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