I bet They Will

Make an iCarly feature film in the next few years. Which will be the real goodbye. It could have them being placed in New York or something like that.

On a scale from 1 to Lord Voldemort, how awkward are your hugs?


Nope it's over. Let it die a death.

I'm not going there to die. I'm going to find out if I'm really alive. I have to do it.


No! It should never die!!!

No Day But Today. Today 4 U. One Song Glory.
How we gonna pay last year's RENT?!


I would love that. But with the ratings on life support in its last year, I doubt a feature film is on anybody's mind over at Nick.

Besides, iGoodbye was about as complete of a 'goodbye' as anyone could hope for. It was poignant and sweet, hopeful and nostalgic.... what more do we need? To make an iCarly goodbye film would be a huge punch in the face and a big ole' middle finger to every single Victorious fan who would like to see the show get even the merest chance at a proper finale. Unfortunately with the Fun Size flop I doubt they think Victorious could carry a movie right now either.

"Pride is not the opposite of shame, but its source. True humility is the antidote to shame."



Too true.

No Day But Today. Today 4 U. One Song Glory.
How we gonna pay last year's RENT?!


I don't think a feature film, but I can see them doing a Nick channel movie, like the Wizards of Waverly Place is doing. Even though they "ended" their series with closure, a movie is coming for the Disney Channel.
But it makes me wonder how many guest appearances will be made by iCarly and Victorious cast members on both new shows, even though I think Gibby's show will have limited possibilities for guests, and Sam and Cat (if based in Hollywood) would pretty much only have Victorious members, unless Carly makes a visit to catch up with Sam. (If Miranda goes to school in LA, it would still be possible for her to make a guest appearance.)


I agree. When I was first introduced to iCarly, I thought it would make a perfect feature film. Same with Victorious.

I Just know iCarly would be an awesome feature film. Have them reunite and a do a reunion show. Maybe make Carly agree to stay, make it like:

Carly: You guys are my family. I love my dad, but you guys I've been with much longer. I'm not going anywhere. iCarly is gonna continue til' we're old and grey!
Spencer: welcome home, kid!
(Carly and Spencer hug)
Sam: I know this wasn't goodbye forever.
Freddie: iCarly is back in business. I'll keep my equipment hooked up.
Gibby: Gibby!

It should be like that

No Day But Today. Today 4 U. One Song Glory.
How we gonna pay last year's RENT?!


I even think it would be great for in the feature film for them to have a real villain. I was thinking maybe have someone who hated iCarly, and maybe finding out that the crew is getting back together and there being a possibility of the show coming back, he could abduct the crew and hold them hostage. Maybe it be like:

Carly: Why are you doing this?
Villain: I can't have you guys bringing iCarly back. I can't have you ruin what I've been wanting for 50 years.
Freddie: But we don't get it. What's your problem? Why did you hate our show?
Villain: It ruined my life!
Spencer: Well, it's not our fault you have certain taste in shows.
Villain: Not that.
Carly: What is it then?
Villain: This!

And maybe the villain could be revealed to be a character from a previous episode out for revenge. And his plan is to keep iCarly from ever happening again. Even better, if it was revealed the villain was Nevel in disguise. :-)
Of course in the end he ends up getting arrested. I can imagine him being as he's handcuffed, like:

Villain: This is not over, iCarly! I'll be back. I'll be back when you least expect it! You better watch out!

No Day But Today. Today 4 U. One Song Glory.
How we gonna pay last year's RENT?!
