MovieChat Forums > iCarly (2007) Discussion > has much as i like jennette she needs to...

has much as i like jennette she needs to start maturing

She really needs to start maturing or she is not gonna make it very far in her career. I have always thought she was mature just not where it matters most.Of course I thought she would grow out of that by now. A while ago I said she should start being more upfront with her private persona because the bigger she gets as a star the harder it is going to be for her to keep certain things private. I say private persona because there is a difference between private life and private persona to me. To me being more upfront with her private persona will make those moments when people namely the media ask questions or approach her easier. It will also do something else which is make her look like she is not trying to hard when she finally transitions from teen to a real adult. She does not have to be upfront with her private persona however this is where being mature comes in to play because if she would know how to handle herself like a real adult where it matters most she would not have to be upfront with her private persona as much.


What? Plenty of "real adult" celebrities make a distinction between their private persona and their celebrity. Jennette doesn't have to change anything about the way she interacts with the media, her natural charisma in that area is what has made her such a fan favorite to begin with. She's extremely approachable, her fan activities have always been far more genuine than those of her co-stars (Miranda is kind, but reserved, and Nathan he's... delusional.)

The one area Jennette does need to mature in is her dealings with "the suits" and her business partners. I won't presume to psychoanalyze her, but certain incidents in the past make it seem like she may have a very teenage, temper-tantrum attitude towards the business end of things, and would prefer to just follow her muse. That's not something which is going to work out for anyone, this side of Neil Young at least.

"Pride is not the opposite of shame, but its source. True humility is the antidote to shame."


Yes, Jennette is an actual rebel because she speaks her mind doesn't suffer fools... But as she gets older she is going to have to learn the politics that come with being an adult in order to get what she wants. She's going to have to learn how to become a different kind of rebel and learn to choose her battles since she is in a business where everybody wants the slightest excuse to say, "No" and who don't like being called out even when they are wrong.


She also seems to be becoming a little too dependent upon interaction from her fans. Has anyone seen her hang out with anyone lately (besides that loser that no one likes)? It seems as if she has no friends and just hangs out in LA all alone, aside from the occasional party she's invited to.


She's always been very fan-dependent. I used to be fb friends with her private fb, and the girl did not seem to have many real life chums. What bothers me is how her fans are almost cult-like, refusing to ever question or criticize their leader Jennette.



"She's always been very fan-dependent. I used to be fb friends with her private fb, and the girl did not seem to have many real life chums. What bothers me is how her fans are almost cult-like, refusing to ever question or criticize their leader Jennette."

Yes to both points, exactly right. She is also going through a rough time now, her mother's health is still bad and it is beginning to take a strain on Jennette and she does not have enough friends to lean on (and fans are not the kind of friends I am talking about, they can't help her this time).


I agree she is going through a hard time now. From my own personal experience I know that what she is going through is not easy and I empathize with her and support her but it is also important that she knows where she might be going wrong. I mean she will probably never read this but this is my way of helping her.



Jennette seems like she really wants a close friend or significant other in her life. She probably had hoped Nathan, Miranda, or even Ariana would be that for her. However Miranda is in college, Ariana has a boyfriend, and even Nathan, whom she was very close too for a while has a girlfriend. Now I know how much drama the whole Jathan thing caused, but looking at the grand scheme of things that was the moment that led Nathan to start dating Madisen as it slowly drove Jennette away. If anyone thinks that this did not affect her in any way you would be mistaken, things like this happen all of the time. I don't think Jennette has truly gotten over her and Nathan drifting apart and it's still manifesting itself along with her mothers health.

I recently read about this in a psychology class I am taking this semester ad I couldn't help but notice some of these things happening with Jennette coincided with my assignment.



Actually, she's the most mature of the cast.

No Day But Today. Today 4 U. One Song Glory.
How we gonna pay last year's RENT?!





Jennette's dad most certainly is in the picture, her parents are both doing fine together in Garden Grove. Jennette has mentioned him before, about the tiny house she was living in with both her parents and grandparents. He was also seen in one of her video chats she did last year, and he went with her to New York for the Macy's parade. I can show you a recent photo of him with her mother together in the hospital. He is also quite aware of what has been going on recently with Jennette.






Ferris do you happen to know the origin of this idea that Jennette has no real friends and depends on her fans? Sounds like the kind of thing a fan would make up more or less for the hell of it, or something someone would radically misinterpret based on a massive dearth of genuine information. I highly doubt any iCarly fans know much of anything about Jennette McCurdy's real life, though I'm sure many fancy believing that they do. I'm completely willing to bow to evidence if it exists, though.

"Pride is not the opposite of shame, but its source. True humility is the antidote to shame."



There is much truth in all that. Still, the focus should be on her poor judgement on what she says on Twitter with 2M followers and what pics she posts on Facebook with 4M followers, many of whom are children. If she wants to swear in private and wear sexy outfits just around friends that is one thing, it is another to do it in front of children.

One of the reasons I became a fan of hers years ago was because back then she did exercise good judgement in exactly those matter, now she has shifted and I question her maturity. She built her entire fanbase on the persona of an awkward but spunky teen who restrained herself and did not succumb to peer pressure, now she is building a new fanbase built upon the tired old model of a sexy and daring celebrity, of whom in Hollywood are a dime a dozen and not worth my attention. She has a right to do whatever she wants with her life, but I believe I also have a right to question what direction she intends to take all this, and so do all her fans.



Well now you've piqued my interest. I admit, I haven't been following Jennette as closely as I used to, after Nick has more or less collapsed. In what ways has Jennette been 'acting out' other than by posting pics?

'Cause I mean the pics are just basic business 101, every celebrity does that. Bella Thorne was posting bikini pics when she was 13. There was also that defiance towards Sam & Cat that Jennette tweeted recently, but that's the very same defiance she's been showing for years. Considering she was tired of iCarly back in 2010, I can't imagine she's thrilled to still be playing Sam in 2013 and possibly playing her for another 5 or so seasons.

"Pride is not the opposite of shame, but its source. True humility is the antidote to shame."



'Course she could have. Money talks, though. Can we really blame her? Most people work jobs they're not fond of, because they have to. Why should Jennette do any differently? Sure acting can be a more artistic pursuit for the established greats who have the clout to do as they please, but the vast majority of people who act do it for the same reason people work at gas stations and office buildings. It's unprofessional to complain about your job in public, but I can't be mad at her when everybody I know complains about their job.

Miri took a new gig right after she said she was going to focus on education... I think money may have had a heart to hear with her as well.

But anyhoo I'm not really trying to defend Jennette -- I'm just saying that Jennette causing a fuss over possibly "quitting" projects isn't anything new and it isn't indicative of any sort of emotional problems what-so-ever. She's just a young adult who doesn't like her job, just like pretty much every young adult in the world, and most of the old adults as well. Nothing abnormal about that.

But then I'm not aware of what else she might be doing lately, just the Sam & Cat scare, and the pics. Has she been up to anything else suspicious?

"Pride is not the opposite of shame, but its source. True humility is the antidote to shame."





Actually, no she couldn't say no. She had a production contract with Nick for a couple of years for a show after iCarly was done. There were a lot of different ideas for her thrown around for quite awhile. It was pretty late in the game that she got stuck with this Sam and Cat idea and she was already locked into a contract. Saying no was definitely not an option unless she wanted to be sued for breach (and she was an adult by then).



She didn't turn anything down. There were a lot of show ideas that fell through. One with her as a singer but more country like. One where she is a girl who meets her childhood idol and they become friends. But they network didn't go with those. They went with Sam and Cat.

Basically, she had a contract. She got the contract well before iCarly was done for her own show. At that point, there was no concept of what the show would be. THe show turned out to be Sam and Cat. She is under contract and can't say no.



Actually, other actors haven't just left projects. Look into those cases. Many times they have outs in their contracts, their contracts have expired, they can afford to buy themselves out of those contracts. Nick and Disney have notoriously iron clad contracts, a lot of lawyers and a lot of money riding on this person. You really have to look into the specifics of each case and the law.

And I don't know. You suggested Jennette had the choice to say no. She didn't have such an easy choice. I was just pointing that out. I think she is probably pissed to still be playing Sam Puckett and that she has to share the spotlight again rather than just be the star of a show like most. But that is just a suspicion.


Being a celebrity doesn't mean you just absolutely HAVE to just lay all your s**t out on the table for everyone to see. I'd much rather have a reclusive private celebrities than the attention whore generation we have now.

