MovieChat Forums > iCarly (2007) Discussion > why do all dan schneider shows?

why do all dan schneider shows?

Have the characters name in them?



iCarly was originally going to be something else as well as Victorious. Having the characters name in the title has been happening since early TV and still happens all over TV.

A show could be called boner hour for all I care, as long as its good who cares?


Using puns in titles (e.g. Victorious) is pretty standard across TV. And heck, whose name should be in tie title, if not the main character's?

"Pride is not the opposite of shame, but its source. True humility is the antidote to shame."


It sometimes means a lack of creativity. It can be a cop out. But not always. Drake and Josh, Kenan and Kel, and Sam and Cat are one thing, they kinda need to be named as such. But iCarly was their website, the show wasn't named Carly, same with VicTORIus and kinda on Zoey 101, but its called Zoey in some other countries. So it all seems well thought out. But it still counts as using the name. That is just a case using cliched tropes in a good way. But he does it a lot.

Its been around for a while as is still common, Dog with a Blog, Ant Farm, See Dad Run and Kickin It are some of the only shows that don't do this. At least its not like those 90's sitcoms when a comedian not only uses their real name for their character, but the show is named after them, Roseanne, Martin, Steve Harvey, Jamie Foxx. All pretty good shows, but still.


What about Seinfeld? How could u forget to mention probably the most well known sitcom of all time?


Maybe the origional, Lucy


Well, you can assume that Tori is short for Victoria, especially considering that the actress's name is Victoria. But, it's funny that All That was his first show, and also the one that didn't have the lead character's name in the title. All of the shows since it have had that aspect. I guess that the main explanation is that not many TV show shows are as main character centric as Schneider's shows. The only show that really heavily uses a large ensemble cast is Victorious. The other ones heavily focus on one or two characters (the ones that are in the title). So they're basically "day in the life" stories of that character rather than a classic sit-com that focuses on an ensemble cast.
