MovieChat Forums > iCarly (2007) Discussion > If you dont like the show why do you com...

If you dont like the show why do you come here?

I get trolling but this one doesnt make sense. If you dislike something so bad why go out of your way to talk about it? I dislike two and half men and family guy, I dislike Justin Beiber and Kim Kardashian, I dislike Michael Bay and Tyler Perry, hell I hate a lot of things but unless its brought up I try not to think about it and sure as hell stay as far away from it as possible.


haters gon' hate

hah ho peace out suckas!


I agree with you except that I think you're about 15 months too late. This forum barely gets a post a month. I haven't seen any troll threads in here in a while. But I guess maybe I have the trolls on ignore, so I might just not see them.

"Pride is not the opposite of shame, but its source. True humility is the antidote to shame."


I'm new to imdb board but a message board veteran. I never really posted on here because when I tried in the past you had to put in credit card info or have a amazon account. I just now realized you could sign in using FB to verify your identity


I will say this is a board for the show not a fan board. So you're going to get differing opinion on things.


I understand its not a fan board, I just don't understand intentionally seeking out something you don't like. I could see if you were on a board that discussed many thing. If you are on one of these boards and someone brought up something you don't like I can understand bashing it there. But intentionally going to IMDB, searching iCarly, and then going to the message boards just to bitch is moronic



Because, believe it or not, criticism is an important aspect of appreciating all forms of fiction (television, film., literature, etc.). Also, open forums are for all valid opinions, not just, forgive me, but, kissing a show's ass.

The more people I meet, the more I get why Jane Goodall spends all of her time with chimps.....


I was going to say this, but you said it better. :)

The past is now part of my future; the present is well out of hand.



