What does it mean?

So people on the board keeping saying this. If someone posts something, people on the board say that they are "being trolly". What does that mean?



I wouldn't even give them that much credit. A troll in my mind purposely tries to ruin everyone's time be it pissing people off or being mean just for fun. A lot of the times they don't even believe or follow what they are saying, the just do it for some sick pleasure.

I troll, but I troll people that deserve it be it radical Christians, creationists, conservatives, republicans, racists, homophobes, conspiracy nuts, etc.



Not a liberal, I have liberal ideas and few conservative ideas. I'm just me, I have no affiliation.

Radical Christians I deal with on a daily bases. Haven't come around many radical Muslims in my travels.

Creationists are scum. I'm a man of science and they are trying to change facts to support their *beep* Dogma. Science is facts, trial and error, equations, principals, and thousands of years of work. Creationist *beep* is only in their head. Can you proove God exists? Can you feel God, touch God, smell God, hell can you see God? There is far more proof he doesn't exsist than he does exsists. I'm also not just picking on Christianity, I think all organized religion is utter BS. Also I was raised Catholic so I bet I know your story book better than you.

I hate conservatives because what they are actually doing to this country. Personally I think ALL politicians in the 2 main parties to be jackasses. Conservatives and Republicans just take the cake. They try to hold everyone not white, male, and Christian down. Just look at recently, Indiana made it to where if you apply for a marriage licenses and are LGBT or if you are a clergy that recognizes a LGBT union you could get jail time. Lets also not forget F'n Paul Ryan who just sponsored a bill where rapists can sue their victims if they get a abortion. Yeah you guys are just FN saints arnt you.

Also far as the racists and homophobes l, I have young mixed race cousins on both sides of my family and I myself am LGBT. Why would I not hate on people that try and hurt my family and people like me.

I'm not these kids you usually berrated with your idiotic BS who get their news and ideas from social networking. I'm 30 years old, intelligent, informed, and have lived. You won't win against me, hell you be lucky if you only come out looking like a idiot.


Another thing, you are acting like Muslims are the only religion with violent extremists (its actually a religion of peace)... Well ill raise you the KKK, Nazi's, and IRA and that's just in the last 100 years. Lets not forget the Crusades, what was done to the Native Americans, and Slavery. Religions have been killing and holding down other
religions since their were two different

Also Im open minded as hell but Im not tolerant of things that are wrong. I'm all about people doing whatever they want as long as they don't hurt or oppress others.

Also The Big Bang has been proven on a small minuscule scale to be possible.



Oh, I understood what you meant fully. You are just wrong....

People now days are too sensitive, especially on the Internet. They yell troll whenever someone has a different view and defends it. The person doesn't even have to be hostile or doing it for laughs anymore. If that person doesn't believe what you believe they are now a troll.

Sorry but I've had a computer since I was 5 (hand me downs from my dad) and I've been on the Internet since I was in 3rd grade which was around 93 and had it in my room since middle school(longer than most iCarly fans have been alive for)

The Internet wasn't as PC and as nice as it is now early on. Trolling is purposely trying to ruin people's time and is done for laughs. It's spamming messed up porn
pictures on places you don't like. It's making a link look innocent and it actually sends them to 2g1c (before people knew what that video was), it going on Britney Spears fan boards when she first came out and wall papering it with fakes of her, it's trolling yahoo teen chats for pedos looking for girls and cybering with them till the end and then revealing they wanked off to a guy. It's putting a a messed up porn vid on something like Bear share and making it look like a Jennifer Lopez nude clip or Eminens Slim Shady album. And finally and Im not proud I did this a couple times in school. It some random stranger on the Internet pissing you off for some stupid reason and you messing with them constantly, revealing personal info, and spamming their email to where you run them off wherever you interact with them.

Same goes with bullying. Anytime someone says something negative or something about a person people disagree with its bullying. You are taking the meaning out of bullying doing this. Bullying is harassing someone physically, mentally, or emotionally. Someone saying they think Jennette isn't good looking or they don't like her acting isn't bullying, its a oppinion. Yet if I found her personal accounts to where she definetly saw what I posted and told her she was hideous or kept calling her a whore all the time, that would be bullying.

Me going to a straight news site that had a larger majority if people without the same oppinion as me and just posting my oppinion normally and defending it is not trolling. Yet if I went onto a news site with a majority of Liberals to purposely post racist things about Obama just to mess with them and kept posting them and arguing with them for the fun of it, then I would be a troll.


I Know i can't change your mind, so I'm not trying to.
But I would like to just share a few things with you.

1. Muslims do not follow a religion of peace. Muhammad had many concubines, some as young as 8, as well. Which is acceptable in the Koran, there is a verse condoning it. The Koran teaches them to attack and kill any enemy who oposses the ways of Ala. SO, please...don't try and believe whatever lie they or some westerner has told you about the religion that they know nothing about. Obama, Bush (who said it was a peaceful religion), and everyone else who says otherwise is wrong and have not really studied the book. I have read the Koran (and I'm a Christian) because I wanted to know what they are taught.

2. As Christian, I apologize for any person who has told you that they were a Christian but were not following the ways of Christ. It's no different than a Budhist who doesn't follow Buddha's teachings, whether they claim to follow him or not. It's the same with a Christian. If they have not surrendered their heart to live for God and let God live in them, then they are not a believer. Everyone has faults and mistakes and true Christians make them as well. A false perception is that people think that real Christians claim to be perfect, but we are not, we are just forgiven. In the book of James, it says that anyone who claims to be without sin is a liar. Everyone has sin, but as a follower of Jesus Christ, I try (though failing at times) to live like he did and to love everyone, not just the people who agree with me. I whole heartedly disagree with many sins that people commit, but it doesn't mean that I don't love them and want to see them blessed.
I see many hateful things being said on both sides of arguments. But I will have to say, the response in Texas concerning the abortion bill passed was reprehensible. There are videos of the Pro-lifers singing amazing Grace while the pro-aborts were yelling "hail satan." I'm not joking. It was very weird. Also, there were reports of the police conphiscating jars or urine and feces and used tampons from the pro-aborts that they planned to throw at people.

If you want to see real Christian responses, notice the lack of violence and vulgarity on their side and then look at the other side.
Also, look up the vids to see for yourself.

I cannot deny any person or people that do things in the name of God, but they themselves have never known Him.

"God doesn't make the world the way it is...We Do"-Rorschach.


2) Creationists.. Until someone explains to me how "nothing" exploded into EVERYTHING in the universe, and if life started in space, where did it start, then I'll believe in my God.

You're right. A guy made out of dust and his girlfriend, made from one of his bones, being poofed into a garden and being tricked by a talking snake is clearly the more logical choice here.

The past is now part of my future; the present is well out of hand.




It's supposed to say on my first message "keep saying this" not "keeping"


You don't have to argue about your political views
