MovieChat Forums > iCarly (2007) Discussion > Was Ibeat the heat censored?

Was Ibeat the heat censored?

I may be wrong, but I thought I remember when the old guy says to Carly "I have angina"
she says "You have a what?" but I watched it over the weekend and she says "You have what?" Am I remembering wrong or did they censor that little part to sound not as sexual?


I have a pirated copy of that episode from when it aired. I'll check in a little bit.


Pretty sure the copy is from when it originally aired. Sorry but there Is no "A" it's just "you have what"..


Ok, thanks alot for the quick response!


It wasn't anything. I already had it downloaded and knew where to look


I actually have seen the episode yesterday on television and there WAS definitely the line "I have angina".

Old man: "I have angina"
Carly: "You have what?
Freddy: "Um, angina means chest pains".
Carly: "Oh, good."
Carly: "Well, not for you".

After the tall girl waltzed over the city:

Carly: "Now I have angina".

Oh. Here is also proof:
