MovieChat Forums > iCarly (2007) Discussion > Is this gossip story about iCarly?

Is this gossip story about iCarly?

71. ENTERTAINMENT LAWYER 03/06 **#13**

Most of the time when a show is at its peak is not when it is canceled. This show was at its peak and viewership was at a high and it could have run for many more years. The cast all wanted it to run for more years, but the network pulled the plug. They were scared of the show. There were too many instances where the network had to put out a fire that would have ruined the image of the show. There were too many drugs on the set and too much sex and the network didn't want a scandal. They just wanted the show to stop filming and to get rid of it as fast as possible. Of course, in their haste they left behind two cast members who were going to turn out just as bad.

While the show was being filmed, guest stars would show up high or know they could get great drugs even though the cast was so young. There are episodes that cast members don't even remember shooting because they were so wasted. The sex was everywhere and the problem for the network was the age of the cast. Some were above 18 and some were below 18 and parents were always calling and screaming and executives feared everyday there would be some type of statutory rape claim or some lawsuit filed by a parent or extra on the show. Everyday the show aired the network felt like they were rolling dice. You had to knock before opening a closed door because inevitably someone would be doing drugs or having sex. No wonder the cast kept wanting to shoot the show. One of the bigger drug users and sexually active cast member was given her own show, or close to her own show. She had producers fooled into thinking she was an innocent cast member and they paired her up with someone who spouted bible verses and producers thought went to church multiple times each week.

This is a gossip story from this week, people are speculating that it is about iCarly but I think any of the former teen shows could fit the bill including Victorious (which was certainly cancelled quite suddenly).

So what do you think? What's your guess? The teen TV show that had a heavy amount of drugs and sex on the set?


iCarly wasn't canceled though. Miranda wanted to go to college and there was no iCarly without Carly.


I never said it was about iCarly although other posters have said that on gossip forums, I even declined to post that answer as though it were fact as I believe others acted too sure about it rather than leaving the question open to more investigation. To me it is open to any answer that fits the clues although none of the clues seem to fit with something like "Suite Life on Deck". Is it Victorious?


I'm skeptical about the college thing. As soon as iCarly ended, Miri signed on for that Girlfriend in a Coma show.

"Pride is not the opposite of shame, but its source. True humility is the antidote to shame."




Show at peak. Rules out any 1 season show and perhaps any 2 season show.
Viewership high.
Cast wanted to keep going.
Network cancelled show.
Drugs, Sex between an underage cast.
Not sure exactly what the 'two cast member' thing means...
Cast around 18, but included both sides.
One cast member given 'close to her own show.'
Something about that cast member paired up with church.

Note it doesn't say which network.

I'd suggest the biggest clues would be to look at shows cancelled after 2 or more series (but probably not more than 5) and then see who got their own show or something like a co-star role on that next show.

Hmm. It wouldn't be iCarly. Too small a cast, show ended well below peak, I don't think any of the cast would fit the 'sex & drugs' profile anyway.

Victorious would fit:
*Show at peak? Sure. Didn't need to get cancelled so soon.
*Cast wanted to keep going. Not totally sure, but I no-one really ever came out saying they wanted to end the show.
* Network cancelled Victorious.
* Drugs & Sex.. the show had a huge cast, I could see the entire cast banging the *beep* out of each other, they were all massively hot, and seemingly quite liberal.
* Cast members under and over 18, yeah, I think that'd be right.
* Ariana would count as getting 'close' to her own show. Sam & Cat
* Ariana has a clear public 'innocent girl' persona, I'm sure she could fool the producers.
* Were any of the Victorious cast openly religious?

Secret Life Of The American Teenager? I know nothing about that show though. Veronica Mars?

Come out with your hands up, we have you partially surrounded!



Show at peak. Rules out any 1 season show and perhaps any 2 season show.
Viewership high.
Cast wanted to keep going.
Network cancelled show.
Drugs, Sex between an underage cast.
Not sure exactly what the 'two cast member' thing means...
Cast around 18, but included both sides.
One cast member given 'close to her own show.'
Something about that cast member paired up with church.

Note it doesn't say which network.

I'd suggest the biggest clues would be to look at shows cancelled after 2 or more series (but probably not more than 5) and then see who got their own show or something like a co-star role on that next show.

How do we know?

could be any of those shows

Hmm. It wouldn't be iCarly. Too small a cast, show ended well below peak, I don't think any of the cast would fit the 'sex & drugs' profile anyway.

Jodin Sweetin anyone come on

They keep those things hush hush

Victorious would fit:
*Show at peak? Sure. Didn't need to get cancelled so soon.

some do but I agree they cancel the shows too soon

*Cast wanted to keep going. Not totally sure, but I no-one really ever came out saying they wanted to end the show.

Why would cast say anything bad about there shows?

* Network cancelled Victorious.

ICarly was cancelled too remember they didnt want to renew the contract

* Drugs & Sex.. the show had a huge cast, I could see the entire cast banging the *beep* out of each other, they were all massively hot, and seemingly quite liberal.
* Cast members under and over 18, yeah, I think that'd be right.

Not all of them and remember what cory Fieldman said! Jenette Miranda and Nathan were not adults in the early episodes

remember there in the media and the media alter facts all the time


No way is that not Victorious. It pretty much has to be.

"The fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing"


where is the link and that can be any show.

wouldnt surprise me if it was ICarly

Look at what happened to matthew Underwood


Sounds like The Brady Bunch.


HAHA proably is!


Let me just inject some sanity into the discussion. First of all, is there any legitimate reason to believe this gossip story is even real? Secondly, it seems very odd that the Nickelodeon would let Dan Schneider take so many behind the scenes videos for Youtube if everybody was always high and having sex on the set of either iCarly or Victorious.


Who was having sex and doing drugs lmao
