MovieChat Forums > iCarly (2007) Discussion > Imagine Freddie was a girl...

Imagine Freddie was a girl...

Does that change the way you look at the abuse he got?

Is it 'more okay' to humiliate, slap, punch and electrocute guys, you think?

Ignore the door.


Seddie would have been much more palatable to me.

And Nick may have been able to beat Disney in the race to the rainbow.

"Pride is not the opposite of shame, but its source. True humility is the antidote to shame."


Funny I was thinking the samething today. If Freddie had beaten Sam there would have been an outrage. Nor would it have been funny if Spencer had taken a tennis racket to Freddie.


Ill give you this, unless they were horrible how many girls were Sam ever mean to? This is one my things behind Cam, Sam is looking for a reason to be horrible to guys, yet Mandy she wasn't almost sweet to except when she cut her hair.

Also Freddie slapped her back once which prooved he wasn't against doing it, just choose not to. Also I think with Spencer doing it, it would actually be wrong aka illegal. I'm mean hurting a underage kid is illegal.


Mandy she was almost sweet to when if it had been a guy he'd be crapping his pants


Is this is a serious thread? When a girl does that stuff to a guy it's screwball and slapstick. If it was a guy doing it to a girl it would be domestic violence, and there's nothing funny about that. Why ask questions that you already know the answer to?


If a girl hits you and it affects you in anyway then you are pretty weak. I believe girls are strong and powerful but still I've had a lot of girls hit on me playing around and some as hard as they could and it really doesn't hurt that bad, yet if a guy hit me as hard as they could it smarts.

Which is why I'm a firm believer that unless she has a weapon a guy should never hit a girl. Yeah goofing around is okay, but if you try and hurt a girl with your hands, I don't care if she wailing on you, you are not a man.

For example, Chris Brown. I don't care if he has a huge dong, in my eyes the dude has a permanent vagina. He lost his manhood the second he decided to beat on Rhiana.


I believe in equal rights and if a woman is big enough to dish it out then she should be big enough to take it back

But it's wrong to hit ANYONE. Whether it be a man or a woman


There is a serious history of male on female domestic violence and so, yes, people have a different reaction to it because it has been ingrained in us. Different situations are different. Comedy is comedy.


Thank you all for these interesting responses!

I agree that putting the cliché of 'husband beats wife' on its head can be funny, but I'd like to explore a little bit further.

Say women were once 'oppressed' by men, just to generalize. Today we have equal rights and laws and quotas and whatnot all. A man beats his wife, he goes to jail.

Women know what it's like to be 'victim'. They should know that it's not fun to be beaten up and abused. Still the reverse has become a comedy staple. Why?

Is it revenge? Is it simple payback. You have been controlling and beating us up for ages, now it's our turn?

And yes, it's just comedy, but it does send a message. And yes, this is the ICarly board. Some might say not the greatest place for a discussion, but the responses so far have been encouraging and honest.

If we don't want to see men beating up women on tv and in film, why do think the opposite is acceptable? One could argue double standards. One might argue that women have gone from being 'less than men', to 'more than men'. Has equality gone overboard?

Just as a young man watching his father beat up his mother sends a message, Sam beating up Freddie might tell a 15-year old girl watching a few things:
1) It's okay to beat up guys
2) There's no need to listen or pay attention to guys, they are stupid
3) Guy's feelings or opinions do not matter

Just image this MTV show: Dude singer makes it big via youtube, treats his female assistent like crap, goes from girl to girl, doesn't care about their feeling and just plays videogames and cracks jokes with his slacker friends.

Guys might like to see this. They may think it's funny. They might call it comedy. But it will never be op tv, because there would be outrage. Female outrage.

Isn't there something in the bible, that goes 'don't do to others what you don't want them to do to you?' I think that's something to think about.

Ignore the door.


I agree with pretty much everything you say, Milevskiy. It's very interesting that some people think girls hitting guys is funny, while when it goes the other way around, it causes a havoc.

I see that those who thinks girls hitting guys is okay argues that since guys are physically stronger, it won't hurt them as much. But we've seen in countless episodes of iCarly that Sam is physically A LOT stronger than Freddie. So if you're going to follow your own standards, Sam hitting Freddie has got to not be okay either? And besides, being abused is not any more fun for guys than it is for girls.

I can only speak for myself, but I see no comedy in it. All I see, is a girl who abuses a guy who has never done anything to deserve it. I don't care if the only reason she did it, was because she really liked him. It doesn't make it okay, in my book. I generally don't think of Sam as despicable, because she can be really awesome too. She is a great friend to Carly and occasionally to Freddie, when she feels like it. But she CAN be a real ass sometimes.
