MovieChat Forums > iCarly (2007) Discussion > Why did they make Freddie so weak

Why did they make Freddie so weak

I do not understand at all. Like, he was huge he has muscles. And even in iGet banned Gibby was all like "I would kill you in a fight" when in reality Freddie would have killed him. And they would just always make him weak when it didn't fit him


They started to acknowledge his muscles more as the actor worked out, like when he was able to pin Carly down. The most noticeable was actually during his guest appearance in "Sam & Cat", when Robbie tries to punch him in the stomach and it felt like he was hitting a brick wall lol


True, but also at times they made him look weak, like one time Freddie was gonna go beat up a guy for making Carly sad and Carly was like "no don't, he would crush you"


He was a dweeb when they created the character. The kid didn't get bulky until much later.

And Gibby probably would kill Freddie in a fight. Gibby's a lunatic and Freddie is a weeny, even if Freddy is a little more fit Gibby is still going to have the advantage.

Pride is not the opposite of shame, but its source. True humility is the antidote to shame.


Because Gibby is bigger


Freddy, was a stereotype, the actor that played him was baby-faced, and non threatening, so he was the nerd.


Society wants us to pretend that girls are stronger than guys.


It's just a nasty double standard that roots back to basic ideals. Because way back in the day the stigma began that men were stronger than women, it became ironically funny to have a woman beat up a man. But of course, it's never funny the other way around because of the apparent reality of the strength difference. However, these ideas are continued to this day to the point where it's taken WAY too far. Now we have characters like Sam who horrible abuses Freddie and makes his life miserable, and we're all supposed to laugh at a bullied kid. And of course, the moment he slaps back people are up in arms.


Because this show made ALL the male characters weak. And all the female characters EXTREMELY unlikeable.
