Anyone want to buy all 3 DVDs?

I have been having trouble getting a decent paying paying job and need to make some quick cash. I have all three August Underground movies, Mordum is the autographed snuff edition. $100 for all 3 or any good offers.

United States Marine Corps 2001-2007


no, thanks. Burn them please.



Yeeeeeah... Good luck with that.


I wouldn't be so cocky, he'll get that much for them all day long, I've seen a signed copy of Mordum alone go for £80 (about $130) on eBay.

-I guess I'm just not used to being chased round a mall in the middle of the night by killer robots


are the movies still for sale?

The Things You Own End Up Owning You
Tyler Durden


Hey, I was wondering if these movies are still for sale also.
