I think I've found ...

... this year's answer to "Snakes on a Plane" or "Eight Legged Freaks" in the "Horror movie so badly titled and freaking stupidly crafted that it's actually sorta entertaining, in a 'Plan 9 from Outer Space' way" category.

When I first saw the title "Mutant Vampire Zombies from the 'Hood" -- honest to goodness, I thought it was going to be a satire starring a couple of Wayans brothers. But no, it looks like it's attempting to be totally serious, even though it stars the Crown Prince of Bad Thrillers Destined to Air At 3 AM On The Local UHF Station ... the immortal C. Thomas Howell! This could be reaaaaaaaaaally choice.

I probably won't go see this movie, but I am so looking forward to reading the reviews. Has Leonard Maltin ever given a film a negative number before? :D


With a title like "Mutant Vampire Zombies from the 'Hood!", how on earth could you think it's taking itself entirely seriously? I can assure you, it's not.
