One of the things I loved

was when the cat was let out of the bag that Miss Pettigrew wasn't actually a social secritary but a homeless and unemployed governess - it wasn't a huge deal like in most movies. Instead of defending herself and trying to rationalize her deception Miss Pettigrew just bids everyone goodnight and walks away.

I thought that was the classiest way to handle the situation.


I so agree. That's a hard lesson to learn in life. Sometimes it's best not to try to defend yourself, just politely walk away. I was equally impressed with that scene.


It was just lovely. And it strikes me that it's something she might have been incapable of doing at the beginning of the movie, just a day earlier. She started out so defensive and guarded, and sure of her moral righteousness. But a few shocks to her system, a few times doing things she never thought she'd do in a million years, and she rebounds, recovers, and ends up so forgiving and gracious by that evening. Maybe a little unrealistic, but I absolutely love it. Something to aspire to, I guess.
