MovieChat Forums > Solomon Kane (2012) Discussion > I found the killing of Samuel disturbing

I found the killing of Samuel disturbing

I understand the death of Samuel and most of the family was a plot device to move Solomon Kane into action but killing Samuel was a bit much. The film didn't show much when it happened but just presenting the image of his throat being cut is horrifying. Maybe I'm soft or whatever but I hate when they kill off kids in movies. I couldn't care less if it's "realistic." Just seemed they did this to shock the viewers and only weak movies need to do these types of things to shock us.


Yep you are soft.



This wasn't done to shock the viewers it was a pat of the story and what happened to these people. It's actually a cliche in movies like these.

I knew the family was doomed since their inherent goodness was established. I knew either the boy or old man were going to be killed horrible and they did that to both. I knew that the girl was going to be either raped, kidnapped, or needed to be saved by Solomon. thankfully they only kidnapped her. If they had a dog, it would've been killed two. Happy families and pets are doomed in fantasy/sci-fi/horror/action movies. Lol

I don't like to see kids and babies in danger or women raped in movies, but these kind of movies are prone to scenes like these. I think the kid's neck getting cut was done well. It wasn't graphic and it was done quickly.
