Plot holes? Please.....

I have to respond, so many people here are stating plot holes in places when there really are none.
Let's tackle them together....


1. Why are they even down there....
This is just not paying attention or tuning in late...
First line of the movie "On the day the world ended..." makes clear that there was some mayor event that would be considered the "end of the world" or in this case, humanity as we know it. after which follows an explanation that they built the last human city secretly underground.

2. Why don't they know about the outside?
This is also not paying attention.
The original builders decided not to tell about the outside world so that future generations could be spared the grief of knowing what they had lost. Look at the people standing in the white room in the very first scene. There is a reason every single one of them is of old age. They'll take baby's down to the city, and once they are grown up most of the builders would be dead or dying..

3. There is no police, no cemetery etc..
It is true that the movie does not feature these thing however this does not mean they do not exist within the city. We don't see a hospital, but there must be one. We know that people die within the city. so they must have some sort of way of disposing of the body. (Actually the most logical thing to do would be to eat the dead.)

4. there is not enough people to sustain a population.
There are a lot of smaller communities. (think isolated tribes in the rain forrest) who have gotten on fine without outside help.

4. Why have all the animals grown so huge?
This is the most mentioned 'plot hole' however it is not that at all. we simply do not know! In this movie we do not know what caused the end of humanity. we do not know why the the box was misplaced. we do not know how the city was exactly built. This movie is not about what caused the beginning of Ember, but how to escape Ember in it's dying days. Do you always wan't an explanation for everything? Did Cloverfield have absolutely any explanation? I like it when movies does not over explain. It usually slows a movie down terribly and sometimes it's completely unimportant. Take for instance a zombie movie. some make the mistake of spending time explaining what is completely unrealistic anyway. Do I care why people are turning into zombies? no! they just are, deal with it... However I will give my thought on the matter. I think there are two logical explanations, either the animals grew large by accident, probably as a result of the same thing that caused the end of the world, or what I think is more likely engineered by the builders themselves to stop any person trying to escape ember before 200 years have passed.

5. The canned food would have rotten.
Actually we do not really know how long canned food can be kept. As long as the seal is good there is no reason why it should not last 200+ years. Very old cans just tend to get thrown away, however there have been examples of recovered cans of food from shipwrecks, basements etc, and they found that the contents were completely edible. They opened a can of 120 year old veal, and it looked great. they even fed it to a cat and a couple of rats who had no complaints what so ever.

6. Why only one box?
This is probably the most valid point of all. Why? Well I suppose if they would have given everyone a box. there would always be someone that would find a way to open one earlier then 200 years which would threaten Embers survival and the survival of the human race. They force them to stay down there as long as they can so the world has time to recover. The simplest explanation is that the people of ember do not need to know about the existence of anything else then Ember. People in Ember need to believe that the city will always continue, and having them know about this secret box that counts down the years, might threaten the survival of Ember. But I do agree they could have had a secondary device as insurance, maybe not a box but something else. (And who knows maybe they had, a lot of things didn't work anymore in Ember) However we must all understand that this would completely ruin the entire point of the movie/book. And since it is not impossible that they chose this way, but maybe just a bit illogical I'm willing to let the writer have this one.

7. Wouldn't the people see the cave opening, and feel the rain?
No. when they look up, all they see is a couple of thousand lightbulbs shining in their eyes. the dim light of the opening would be impossible to see.
And for the rain it is very probable that they can feel some water dropping down. this is something that happens constantly in a cave. wether there is an opening or not. so they could simply not tell the difference..

pfew, glad I got that off my chest. know any more?



Are you listing the plot holes people keep on saying and then say how stupid they actually are?

Half-Blood #18 and Son of Poseidon, Son of Adam, Gryffindor 7th year


I agree with you completely!! Isn't it a sci-fi movie? Well people it's normal we don't get it... It's not real!!!!!!! Olly crap i don't get why people keep dissing movies like that! The book was god the movie was good now please listen to this guy and stop whining! Thank you for spelling it out for them.


I would like to expand on your great post:
1.- Underground: As the box is being set in the lighted room full of the builders, we can hear constant explosions, even dirt falls in the entrance hallway. My bet is heavy bombing of a full scale war. Radiation poisoning and fallout would wipe humanity clean after 200+ years. Babies would be invaiable due to mutations in DNA.
After they exit into this same room, the entrance has been bombed heavily as there is no door to the exterior and it seems part of the building is missing, the hallway just opens to the outside environment.

3.- police, cemetery: when the man comes back from exploring the darkness he is arrested and taken somewhere. He returns from a place tha looks like a land fill, with lots of waste, including many plastic products. The people working here or guarding this exit, have plastic suites and gas masks, even a kid wearing this can be seen. This place is right next to the greenhouse.

4.- Huge animals: we only see a moth and a mole and part of a beetle horn or something. My guess is some of the animals have thrived in the rich underground environment given by the city, the mole eats through the food reserve of the city. Every time it appears its after food rations and only eats humans because they happen to be where the food is stored.
Mutation by radiation is unlikely is such short time period and on the exterior huge mutant animals would be waiting for them.

5.- canned food: it bugs me too, but being the only food source what else would people eat. Mayan beans buried in sites have been planted and waterd and germinated back to life giving scientist a chance to see species developed for crop by this ancient cultures. I guess its possible food can last, but sugary stuff, I think not, I once opened a can of syrup fruit or corn, and it smell horrid.

6- Box redundancy - It was dsigned as a one way, one time exit so leaving redudant ways, certainly someone would break out before time.
The multiple steps that were requiered make that pretty clear.
The turning of the crank is very strange. It would seem someone would be able to do it even by accident as it was in a changing room, but step 1 of the map is to activate the mechanism by pulling the central drawer if I recall, only after that, the crank activates the whole system.

7.- cave opening - First, the tremors caused by the jolts of main power generator must have opened this space because leaving this hole would have renderd the point of building underground mute. Then light bulbs covering the city dont let it be seen. The water able to get trough would not be enough to call attention as the panoramic view we get at the end, the hole is clearly very high above the city, or else they would just shout down onto them.
This was necesarry too because only two people would not be enough to start humanity.


Great post. As far as canned food goes, here's some facts. When I grew up, canned food didn't get expiration dates stamped on them. How did you know if it was bad? The can "spewed" when you opened it or it just plain smelled bad. Also, common sense was if it was rusty, it's probably bad.

My personal opinion is, only dairy need expiration dates. Marking canned goods and other staples like crackers, flour, etc., is just a gimmick to get you to buy more. Saying that, you should use common sense. Crackers get stale so don't go buying a ten year supply because they're on sale. They go stale but they won't kill you if that's all you have to eat.

Last thing. I was cleaning out my grandparents farm. We found home-canned foods (in jars) in the cellar house. There was a few jars marked Peaches '37. We opened them. They looked and smelled fine. After daring each other, my brother and I each ate a half peach. It tasted like it was canned the year before. That was in 1999. The peaches were 62 years old.


Canned goods (in the UK at least) have 'best before' dates instead of 'use by' dates letting you know they won't ever go bad (unless the can is damaged) but their contents will gradually change in one way or another. A foodstuff that is sealed in to a can when free from bacteria will never rot, but that does not mean that the chemical structures of whatever has been canned won't slowly react with one another, sugars, fats, proteins, acids, all of these and more like to get up to mischief at the molecular level.

As someone said above if you have something high in sugar like syrup it will slowly solidify in to a lump of sugar after many decades, it will still be completely fine to eat, it will just be a lot less viscous.

Most meats taste the way they do because of their protein structure and when canned for a long time that structure changes until the meat is still edible but without a label you'd be hard pressed to guess what it once was, manufacturers usually add salt to slow this process.

You don't know sh!t, Jon Snow!


As for the canned goods, this story was meant to take place in a certain future. When the world ends it's actually like 60 years or something from now and they spent at least 40 years building and prepping Ember if you go off the time table in the novels. They very likely created a preservative of some kind that was expected to keep things fresh and viable for centuries. The movie doesn't portray the storerooms as described in the novel. They are there for probably 225+ years, the population isn't mentioned in Ember, but I believe 435 escape and they said many were trampled to death in the egress. The Builders had to obviously institute a specific manufacturing process to produce a necessary estimated amount of food just for Ember.

The giant creatures never existed in the story and were only added to the movie to make it more exciting. Hence why there is no explanation. In the novel, the only books that exist were written by Emberites. There was NO knowledge beyond Ember. They seriously believed that they were the entire Universe. So the book of insects that Doon had did not exist. The only "outside" book that was actually brought to Ember was The Book of Ember that was placed there by the Builders so it was considered sacred and holy and it only explained the laws, procedures, and general guidelines of the city.

It was also hinted that the dead ended up in a chasm at the edge of the city that surrounded it in the novel. The Builders surrounded Ember with it so that no one could accidentally find their way out.


If they're advanced enough to build an underground city that is supposed to last 200 years then canned food that can last longer makes sense. Probably close to 1000 before they evacuated. Yeah the insect book wouldn't have existed. I remember Doon keeps a book that has all the insects he's collected and descriptions of the insect. I remember the chasm as well. Pretty much a dry mote.

Honorary Knight of Arendelle
Half-Blood #18 and Son of Poseidon, Son of Adam, Gryffindor 7th year


Biggest pothole for me was that the city is established as being quite far underground. Then the vast amount of 'Down' they travelled during their escape in no way at all matched the amount of 'Up' they then climbed to end up so very far above the city. That amount of climbing after that plummeting descent would at the most have brought them back to Ember level, it wouldn't have taken them as much higher as they seemed to go to bring them out onto that cliff.


Partly agree. However in the book they read that they should prepare for a flight of stairs lasting a few hours. Time spend there in the book claims they used 3 and a half candle just walking upwards.

The oneway exit however is stupid though. As a population having absolutely NOTHING except what they wear and a few candles and matches wouldnt be what they need to start a new world. Had the exit just been a big door in the darkness but illuminated once 200 years are up it would make reentry back to the city possible thus they could empty the supplies that would have been plentyful after 200 years (since they even still have quite a bit after 250 years) and also it would allow them to slowly pillage building materials, food, clothes, tools as they move out.
