the narrative content of DW's 'Factory'

The filmmakers praise Danny Williams for his technique in this complete short and yes it was a very goodlooking film but I wonder how they could not react to the suggestions of the imagery: shots of andy in various poses opposed to one shot of by a completely demonic looking slow motion Henry Geldzahler laughing! It's quite interesting if you think of the Warhol story of how HG came in to look at AW's early work and dismissed the "expressionistic" coke bottles favoring instead the hard edged as, "this is what America deserves". You need to be farily well steeped in the Warhol story to get this, what seems a pretty emphatic statement, "Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!" Of course Andy was always soliciting ideas, seeing if he could get someone else to come up with the next concept. These people who say he didn't use the ideas people gave him are absolutely full of it: cows ("something pastoral" was suggested) , money ("Paint what you love most in the whole world"), etc.
