What is this film about?

I am also surprised to see Lena Horne's name associated with this strange curio after nearly 30 years absent from movies and screen projects.


lena horne isn't appearing in this, they're only using archival footage from 'the duke is tops'.


Its the 29th century. We're on Ganymede, one of Jupiters moons. The human race has long since left a decimated Earth. To survive the harsh climates of other planets and moons, humans have genetically modified themselves making skin color and sexual organs a common matter of fashion.

Two beautiful musicians, Parker, a soulful saxophonist, and Naia, an impish guitarist, play center stage. They move almost as one, a seamless harmony developed over the years from the bonding and sharing in their struggle to get just this far in their careers.

Unfortunately, fame is about to tear them apart.

This is the last gig they will ever play together.

