MovieChat Forums > Murder (2007) Discussion > To enjoy this show, you have to not watc...

To enjoy this show, you have to not watch anything else....

Argh. Ok. With two of the four episode that have aired, I knew who did it within the first 5 minutes of the episode. How? I watch other crime shows. First it was the Sarah Johnson case (the first episode). I've seen that episode of Snapped like 10 times now, so I knew right away whodunit. And now, I can't believe it, but within the FIRST 2 MINUTES I recognized the case. Argh. I won't say whodunit, since it just aired and people way have TIVO-ed it, but 48 Hours *just* did a story on it like 2 weeks ago (it was the Winger/Harrington case). (BTW, I thought it funny how they fudged the facts a little. The bodies were actual moved by the paramedics, so there wasn't really a crime scene like that to investigate.... It was the photos and the note in the car, which they never even mentioned, that solved it). Anyway, my point it, I WISH they would use lesser-known cases because at this rate, this show isn't interesting at all. =\

BTW, what the heck was up with that Stephanie's hair? I lol-ed everytime I saw it.





We did find a note in the car. It was the fact that broke the case for the blue team. (In fact I brought the note home and framed it.)

I'm glad you laughed at my hair, the fact I brought entertainment to one fan of the show brings great joy to me!



I saw a 20/20 special of the Sarah Johnson case about a week after watching the Murder episode. It is interesting to see the difference between what you see on Murder and the actual facts of the always makes me wonder how much of the facts are doctored and how much is merely edited to fit for TV time.

I will say though that I didn't know anything about the case presented last night, but I had a hunch about who the guilty party was about two minutes after the case was presented. It almost felt like it had to be that way, because the other logical conclusion wouldn't have made for entertaining television.


Perhaps then, if you are such the forensic genius, you should apply for the show and show the professionals how to do their jobs. Some people don't have the time to sit around and watch TV show after TV show of crimes to memorize and then critize other shows.

I think the blue team did a great job! Congrats!!!



Yes, she was on the episode the aired last night (August 21st). She was on the Blue Team, which is the one that came the closest to solving the murder.


Oh boy. I didn't think this was gonna be such a popular thread. =D

Anyway, I'll try to respond to every post in this one. Here we go:
Maximus16 said:
I think in this case( you have to enjoy it more for the people that are TRYING to solve it....

I think you are right. But it's hard. It's like reading the last page of a book first. Where's the fun? =\ It's hard to root for the people trying to solve it when you only get to watch them for *maybe* 20 minutes... I didn't care who solved it.
stephaniedcarter said:
We did find a note in the car. It was the fact that broke the case for the blue team.

Ooooohh. Ok. So they edited out the car note? That would make sense. After I posted my first message, I remember one of the teams mentioned that the husband was going to be home at 4:30 during their presentation and that was the time on the note, so they must have gotten that knowledge somewhere...
s_k_moore72 said:
Perhaps then, if you are such the forensic genius, you should apply for the show and show the professionals how to do their jobs. Some people don't have the time to sit around and watch TV show after TV show of crimes to memorize and then critize other shows.

I'm not 100% sure, but was that comment directed at me? Cause if it was, that first part (about being a forensic genius) makes no sense. I never said I knew a darn thing about forensics. However, I should apply for the show. Odds are, I'll be able to walk into the crime scene and remember the Snapped or 48 Hours episode and crack the case right there. =D
Oh, and it's not really about having the time, it's about having the DVR. Well, that and getting no sleep.
(And I'm really tempted to make a comment about how someone with the time to sit around and read a internet BB, get all in a huff, and then post to "/critize/" other people shouldn't exactly be throwing stones, but I won't)
Ok. Well, I think that was the most important stuff. And all this said, and with my reservations and disappointments, my DVR timer is still set for SPIKE Tuesdays at 9pm. Figure I might as well just finish out this season and then see where it goes.



Yes it is I, the Stephanie that was on the show. (If you still don't believe me, hey, that's cool, but you can check by going to myspace page username campfirefairytel)

They did A LOT of editing, it was almost painful to watch how much editing was done on the show. It was a lot of discussions and "acting out" the crime that was not shown. I think that information would have helped the viewer. (Then again, the show could be stretched out into a mini-series!)

We did have an oppertunity to search the male vic's car. There was a note that had the address and the time to be at the home that we found while searching the car. There was also a tire iron that was fixed up to be a weapon. We said that if he had come to kill, he would have brought that up to the door with him, instead of a pack of smokes and a coffee cup (which was also found on the table)

Our presentation to Mr. Lenoir was about 15 min long. Each member of the team had a part, but on the show, only Russell was shown.

In addition, we had a 15 min walk through of what was in our kits, that was about it. Any actual investiating smarts had to come with us to the filiming. We are NOT professionals. The only crimminal justice class I took in college was "Crime and Human Behavior".

Finally, I did see the 48 hours special... two weeks after I taped the show. It was very hard to watch; I ended up crying when it came to the 911 tape. The details of the room I searched were amazing. After seeing the actual pictures taken at the crime scene, I felt sick. It was a deja vu experience.

I loved my experience on the show, and I took it with a grain of salt. Its a reality show, not an educational program or training video. Spike and Bunim-Murray made the show for entertainment purposes and at the end of the day; to make money. I knew people were going to pick the show apart and poke fun (never thought it would be about my hair, but hey whatever, I'm laid back), it's all part of the experience.

If you think you could do better, go out for the show; it was a great experience! Hopefully there will be a second season and everyone can have a chance to see if they have what it takes!!!


Thanks for the info. It makes perfect sense now. i was wondering how the teams came up with the fact that the husband invited the man over if they never search his car and found the note. ah, the car search was not shown.. I saw this on 48 Hours Hard evidence myself like last month. I knew this case right away the moment I saw the way the two bodies were positioned. I enjoy this show. Interesting to watch because i too have that interest in solving crimes.. I once wanted to be a crime scene investigator..

Kinda funny that they expect both teams to solve this in 48 hours when in the real investigation. This case became a cold case for like 2 years. everyone including the investigator and the police community believe John (we'll call him that since that was the name on the show) was a hero and shot the man in defense of his wife. Only one FBI agent felt from the start that John was a liar. According to the family members of the dead man.. it was hard for them because everyone believe their son was a murderer.

John even in prison still says he is innocent.. what an sob lol

"I knew this guy, that knew this guy, that knew this guy, that knew this guy's cousin"


Hi Stephanie,

Thanks for giving some cool behind-the-scenes details.

LOVE the show, OMG- my husband, sister, my mother and I are freakishly hooked! My hubby and I take about 2 hours to watch it because we pause it so often to discuss our theories and what we know. Then the next day I call my mom and then sister to have a detailed discussion as well. I know... we should get a life. ;)

Anyhoo, would you possibly be able to direct me to where I could at least find out how apply to be on the show? I thoroughly checked the site and ... nothing. Although maybe I missed some obvious clues. :)

How did you find out about it?

I'll be it is so much harder that we viewers think it would be. Everyone's an armchair expert!!

Thanks, Nancy

P.S. I liked your hair!


Check to apply.

I saw a commerical for the show back in Feb, and it directed me to that site.

I'm glad you liked my hair, I like my hair too!!

I know I LOVE to hear all the back ground on my favorite movies and shows, so I am glad that I could help with this one!


I'm sure Stephanie has no info on this, but I'm just commenting on the casting stuff. Odd, I checked the site and selecting "Murder" in the drop down box under "Casting" gives only an info page, while selecting the others does give casting info. Perhaps I'll apply to go on "Road Rules" or "Simple Life" ... NOT.

I'm gonna bookmark it though and check back frequently. Want to be first in line if they come to FL. :)


I had the show recorded, and just watched it. You all did an awesome job. What really haunted me was hearing Paul dying in the 911 call recording. Very creepy.

How were you picked for this show? I am hoping that they have a second season, so I can try to get on. Probably a very small chance, but I never say never : )

Anne from NY


Thank you very much!

When I watched the 48 Hours special about the real killings I cried my eyes out when I heard the 911 tape again. It became "real" to me at that moment, and it was almost to much to take. What's sad is that the REAL killer is still saying that he is innocent in jail,and was charged for putting a hit out FROM JAIL on the woman that he had the affair! He is is a no good rat b*stard!!

I applied for the show after seeing a commercial on Spike. I filled out an application I downloaded from the Bunim-Murray web site. I faxed it in, and thought nothing of it! I got a phone call about two weeks later saying that they wanted to have a video taped phone interview with me. So I videoed myself giving an interview over the phone. Then I had to take an IQ test and finally, I did a background check. It was a long process, but I made it through.

On the other hand, everyone else on my episode was picked from an open casting call. If you check and visiting the casting section, you can see what shows are casting and where the open casting calls are going to take place. That is how the majority of people are picked for the show.

I STRONGLY ENCOURAGE EVERYONE WHO IS A FAN OF THE SHOW TO CONTACT SPIKE & BUNIM-MURRAY PRODUCTIONS AND TELL THEM THAT YOU WANT ANOTHER SEASON OF THE SHOW!! I believe it has a strong following, and I don't think the show is getting attention or coverage it deserves!!

I think anyone that shows an interest in bring crimminals to justice has a chance on the show! Hopefully there is a second season, and I wish you the best of luck wit




I have been so busy with school starting (My ds is 15 and my dd just started kindergarten). Thanks so much for your response. I did go to the site, and added it to my favorites, so that I can keep an eye on casting call.

It has been awesome reading about your experince, and I thank you for sharing it : )



you can check by going to myspace page username campfirefairytel -

Darn it - nothing came up when I searched myspace for that ... just says unable to find ...


I hate to disapoint...

That is the direct link from myspace...


It's not just knowing who did it though. You have to be able to prove that they did it. That's the hard part. Figuring out who the killer was is easy. But you have to be able to find and put together the evidence as well.



HA HA!! So much I could say..



I agree with your last post Maximus. It's like he saw how every episode of CSI begins, with Grissom saying some stupid little pun and everyone laughing at it.


I never laughed. Rus just wanted screen time, and we didn't fight him for it. I really just wanted to prove to myself that I could solve the case. So we both got what we wanted; Rus got tons of screen time and we sucessfully solved the case. (But if you watch the show again, I make so hella funny faces when he says stupid sh*t! I was laughing at myself!!)


I was waiting for someone to say something about the pregnancy test kit box, but it never came up. It could've been important.

