New Season???

Hey everyone...this is my first time posting and I just wanted to say I love this show. I stay up late even though I have to get up early in the morning to work just to catch it. I have been looking and can't seem to find out about a new season for Murder. Does anyone know or have any information about a new season? Any help is appreciated! Thanks in advance.


I'm losing hope that there will be a new season; which in my humble opinion really sucks.

From the time I discovered that I was going to be on the show, I said that it will either be a HUGE success or fail miserably... I think we know which way it went.

I think the was a problem with the marketing and the scheduling of the show. Everyone I know Tivo'ed it; which doesn't count for ratings.

I think the show had a core of dedicated fans; but since those same fans were educated, middle to upper middle class America, they had to get up and go to work the next day!!


Mrs. Carter,

Check your private messages for information



Actually Tivo ratings do count if the show is watched within I believe 48 hours of airing.

I never got to see this show unfortunately, but I'm hoping to find it somewhere to watch because I really wanted to. It was just the timing was off and I was working a demanding job that required me to get up early when this was airing.


go to

and you can watch all of the episodes!


Wow, I can't believe this comment either, I don't know where you got the idea that Tivo ratings count if you watch it within 48 hours... if your Tivo was able to be monitered in this manner, it would be an invasion of privacy. I will just copy and paste what I wrote about to StephaniedCarter.

TV ratings are only "guesses" as to how many people tuned in based on those households with Neilson Rating boxes. They do not actually KNOW what was watched in every household everywhere. If they were able to know every TV show that every person tuned into, that would be an invasion of privacy.

So many households are contacted and agree to be given a Neilson Box throughout the country, and then based on the amount of people who tuned in with a Neilson Box, where they consent to have their TV viewing monitered, they will then figure out the approximate amount of people who tuned in.

Therefore, it has nothing to do with whether or not the show was Tivo'ed instead of watched. Also, IF someone with a Tivo also had a Neilson box, it would count towards rating as the box has to tune in to the show to tape it, whether or not the person is actually watching it on their TV at the time.


Uhm, what?! Not trying to be rude, but I can't believe what I just read about the Tivo and ratings.

TV ratings are only "guesses" as to how many people tuned in based on those households with Neilson Rating boxes. They do not actually KNOW what was watched in every household everywhere. If they were able to know every TV show that every person tuned into, that would be an invasion of privacy.

So many households are contacted and agree to be given a Neilson Box throughout the country, and then based on the amount of people who tuned in with a Neilson Box, where they consent to have their TV viewing monitered, they will then figure out the approximate amount of people who tuned in.

Therefore, it has nothing to do with whether or not the show was Tivo'ed instead of watched. Also, IF someone with a Tivo also had a Neilson box, it would count towards rating as the box has to tune in to the show to tape it, whether or not the person is actually watching it on their TV at the time.


Well I stand corrected. I did not know (nor did I really care) how the rating system worked, but now I do. I will write it in my journal under what I learned today.....

Regardless not enough people liked the show; either they detirmed this by ratings, or marketing/commerical sales or through truck monkeys reporting back to mad scientist the result is the same.

And it still makes me sad that it is not coming back next season...


I too would love to know if it's coming back!


Yeah, I did the same thing. I loved the show but I would always have to tape it since I'm not gonna stay up until 2 o clock to watch it on a school night.


i think it will be given another chance but the have to find the show a right time slot like friday or saturday but at like 9 or 10


I think having it come on at Midnight was a terrible idea. But I can see why they did considering the content of the show and how they show the crime scene in full. Although a recreation. Still it was definitely life like.

the zombies better watch out


The show needs to be brought to a channel like HBO or Showtime so it can get away with all that.

I know why they keep it on so late, but seriously. Most kids are in bed before 9. I think it would be safe to show it.

They still have it up on their website, so hopefully it'll return this summer.
