I feel sorry for him

First of all, I want to start off by saying that Anne Sluti was very brave and smart during her ordeal. Not many people would have thought to leave behind the clues that she did.
But, I don't think that Tony Zappa wanted to kill her. If he wanted to, he would have. It would have been a lot easier for him to get away and never be caught if she wasn't around.
I don't understand why they added things to the movie that never happened. Like the shoes, the water in the car and some other things. The real reason she was taken was because there was a struggle for her car and she started screaming and he probably just threw her in the car so she wouldn't draw attention. In the movie, he took her because he didn't want to be alone anymore. I think if they are going to make a movie based on a true story, then they should only have facts in the movie.
He definitely deserved to be sent to prison for what he did, but I think life in prison with no posibility of parole was too much. I mean, some murderers don't get life, so I don't understand why he did. I would like to hear his side of the story...I mean, I read in a article that her parents aprooved the script and she didn't even want to read it...why not? this is a story of something that happened to her years ago...She should want it to be accurately portrayed. Why would her parents agree to put false information in a movie about their daughter's kidnapping...just seems weird to me.
I feel bad for Anne for what happened to her, but I also feel bad for him. He was in trouble way before this happened and the state should have helped him then. The system completely failed him.


All movies that are based on a true story always change facts and add drama so it isn't boring. The movie said he beat up an old man to steal his car (the man died 2 days later) before the kidnaping so he (in the movie anyway) is a murderer and a rapist.


Tony Zappa was an unstable psycho path. His actions were that of a deranged animal. Rape, torture and his brutal mind games go down as a new low for human beings. Had this been my daughter the pain and outrage I would have felt would have been no less then the primal forces unleashed from hell. This brute should be CASTRATED and torn to pieces by rabid animals. The story was written by professionals who did detailed research and also consulted the family for their opinions.

True life TV movies can only be made by sparing the viewer some of the real TRUTH. Sitting through two hours of pain and suffering will not bring ad dollars and or viewers. Few people can take that sort of brutality for such a extended period of time. That is why TV is softer then then the Feature venue.

In the end, prison is to soft for Tony...Send him straight to HELL!


He was also an escaped prisoner and wanted in more states than you have fingers. So between the kidnap, rape, beating that old man, stealing cars, running from the police (minor compared to everything else) assault and everything else he did then yes he deserves life. I know that's harsh and people will berate the crap out of me however seeing as how Anne is my cousin then maybe it's not...


Aprland - you clearly have no experience with the justice system. As the other posters noted, Anthony Zappa had a string of warrants under his belt. If you do not think rape, kidnapping, assault in conjunction with car theft, etc does not merit a life sentence then I'm not sure what you think is expected. He poses a threat to society and must be detained. He was detained and released in the past and clearly proved that he cannot live according to society's standards. Rehabilitation can only work if an inmate chooses to accept responsibility and services.



i'll admit i felt sorry for him while he was on the run. at that time i didn't know what was going on. but not anymore. someone, in another post, hit the nail on the head when mentioning he had a choice about his actions, regardless of his upbringing.

as for wanting to hear his side of the story; not sure what he says now, but immediately following his arrest he said he did not have s*x with Anne. not even talking about rape; simply denying any s*xual relations at all. DNA proved otherwise. so it's difficult to discern what parts of his side of the story would be true.



While it may just be syntax, remember that rape and having sex are not necessarily the same thing. While rape may involve the act of sex, it is not about sex. It is about control, hate and rage.

Last Movie: Harry Potter & the Half-Blood Prince
Fav. Movies last year: The Dark Knight


You feel "sorry" for a sociopath? A person who CHOSE to do what he did? He was not forced to do what he did. He chose to hurt and torture people. And yes, he probably would have killed eventually. So, don't feel sorry for him, feel sorry for his victims. They are the ones that deserve the sympathy and compassion.

Last Movie: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
Fav. Movies last year: The Dark Knight


i was a victim.
yet i still felt sorry for him.
human nature. go figure.


My mother was murdered. However, I do NOT feel sorry nor compassion for her killer.

Last Movie: Harry Potter & the Half-Blood Prince
Fav. Movies last year: The Dark Knight


sorry for your loss.



You feel "sorry" for a sociopath?

Most definitely

A person who CHOSE to do what he did? He was not forced to do what he did.

I don't think you understand what a sociopath is..


I think the OP must be a 14 year old girl smitten with James VanDerBeek.



Totally agree, and felt sorry for him too. He was obviously mentally ill and totally failed by the system becasue the US dosn't have a system for the mentally ill and they are thrown in prison and that really dosn't help anything. Like the move said, that a kidnaped person is usually dead wthin 24 hours. If they are not than the kidnapper does not want to kill them. The guy in the movie would not have killed her.

It is "based" on a true storey dosn't mean that it is a true story, that word "based" that movie producers love to throw around becasue they can take a not very exciting life happening embelish it to no end and call it based on a true story adn more people will see it becasue they are interested in seeing a true story, which they don't get anyway, but it's really good marketing.
