Breaker Morant (1980)

If you enjoyed this movie you should check out Breaker Morant,an Australian film that tells the true story of Australian soldiers court martialed during the Boer War by the British. This film crafts the courtroom drama genre to perfection. I have seen it many, many times.

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I'd say the screenwriter for The Conspirator is something of a fan of The Breaker, as chunks of dialogue were lifted!

"Someone has been tampering with Hank's memories."


Interesting that you mention Breaker, because while I was watching this I thought, 'This is no Breaker Morant...'


I remember being very irritated at what seemed to me to be plagiarism by the writer James Solomon, and the apparent willingness of the film's producers and film critics to ignore it. It ruined the film for me. It was such a lazy cheat.


Great film! One of my favorites.
