The title

is fine.

Not everything is about american tv programmes.

This is about Sex (gender), The City (London, the stockmarket)and Me (Sarah's character)
And it's bloody good too. I like the title it fits and its a play on a serious problem that women can face.

Well thats my 2cs :)


Yeah, forget the title.

It was good TV. I came in from a day out and flicked on the TV and started watching it and after getting over the fact the it was a British drama I found myself enjoying it.

Mainly this was down to yummy mummy Sarah Parish's great performance.

I also liked that it was quick paced, with a punchy script to the point without melodrama and sprinkled with good natural swearing, which is always fun.

Usually watching British made TV dramas is like wearing contact lenses that have been bathed in chilli sauce while having your nipples seen to by a scorpion.

To any British TV producers who care to read this; please more intelligent well researched stories like this and less ITV style lowest common denominator trash.

Actually, to any City type bankers; I'm sorry you feel inadequate, I hope your millions keeps you from having nightmares.

and I'm not even pregnant or a woman.


As a point of interest:

The BBC wanted to do a documentary on the problems women face working in high testosterone areas like The City.

However the 'gag' clauses on the settlements meant the women could not talk openly.

SO.... the BBC talked to people not covered by the gags and produced a drama instead.

That was what here lawyer meant about being able to get the story out anyway.

I missed the beginning but got hooked when I was channel switching. Knowing people who work in the city and other very male industries I know things like that happen.



Oh wow, really?
I didn't know that! That's really clever. Good ol bbc.
