The ending....


Do you think Stephen will ever be able to leave the UK again? The minister said his chip could be updated in a few years so I was wondering if we're allowed to take that as a glimmer of hope for him, that he might even be able to find Yasim, or if he'll really just be sitting at a desk crying for the rest of his life.



Oh, and one other thing (hopefully someone answers at least one of these, heheh)--are we supposed to assume that Russell is going to kill Yasmin? I mean if he's sent to tie up loose ends she is certainly a loose end, but then the blonde minister told Stephen that Yasmin was going back home and wouldn't be let back into the UK...then of course they didn't show her dying, and there's the fact that when she went looking where Michael and Russell had been, they were BOTH gone, not just Michael, as if to suggest that Russell had done his job and taken off. Not that he really could take off, since they were on a boat....


I think they decided to let her live, like Steven. There's no proof to back up any of their claims, and the last enemy (the last person whose blood can prove anything) - Michael - is dead. There's no one left who can stop them. Not really. And that's what makes the ending so terrifying in my opinion...

Was today really necessary?


the ending made me so sad.


Just finished watching this (yes, I know, took a long time for me to get around to it), and my impression was that Yasim was going to be allowed to live. One reason was how the assassin just seemed to vanish, leaving her standing there looking sad. It made it look like the show's creators were saying, "Aw, now she'll have to wonder and be sad FOREVER." But I think the biggest reason was that there were people who knew Yasim, and might start asking questions if she died or disappeared. Whereas the assassin could break Michael's neck and toss him overboard, and only people like Stephen and Yasim would ever know that he hadn't died in a mine explosion.


I bought the dvd a couple of years ago as I liked the look of the series but missed it when it was on tv. I've only managed to watch it once as the ending is so harrowing. I didn't think Stephen would ever be allowed to leave the country again.

I hope Yasim wasn't killed, the romantic in me would like to think that she would somehow join up with another group of freedom fighters come back to Britan free Stephen and expose and topple the regime.


Also what was that shot of the red computer lens or thing during the ending?

Was a computer running the whole show telling everyone what to do?


Seemed like a symbol of the overall problem: an intrusive camera watching every move in real time, plugged into a seamless single database accessible to an establishment which utterly disrespects the sanctity of human life and can be abused by the most heinous of forces.

Spying on him while he sits and grieves his loss of love and family they inflicted upon him, no less.

While computers are clearly a key part of the process eroding all privacy forever, I didn't get any sense the terminator-esque camera watching Stephen meant to imply an artificial intelligence was running the show, esp given the sole emphasis on corrupt humans abusing the technology.

"I like to watch" Chauncey Gardiner, 'Being There'


Thank you for that explanation.

I figured it must be humans but at first that image made me jump right for the "AI" card and artificial intelligence.


I thought it was fairly obvious that Yasim was killed at the end, but they lied to Stephen so he wouldn't do anything stupid. As long as he had some hope of finding her eventually, he might be useful to the powers that be. Otherwise he had nothing to live for.


God I absolutely hate it when the bad guys win in the end. Especially ones who do heinous crimes like these. The ending was really atrocious and sad.

The light at the end reminded me of HAL 9000 from 2001 A Space Odyssey, and also of Big Brother from 1984. They also had similar themes, where computers and surveillance take control and ultimately ruin people's lives.


I liked that the ending wasn't all 'rah rah things all worked out and we have an awesome hollywood ending'. Yes, it was very, very sad, but it was a little more realistic than it would have been had they tied everything up in a neat little bow of happy.


It seemed to me that the writers left a little "glimmer" of hope that there may be more coming. I am not sure now, with his notoriety as Sherlock, but it would be wonderful if they would continue the story....


I've just bought this series and watched it in it's entirety today. It is absolutely brilliant, and I for one really liked the ending. It was sad, yes, but it was also dark, gritty, and realistic. If it had been this big happy ending where the little guy beat the big bad government, the series wouldn't have been as realistic and thought provoking as it was.

Personally I think only Michael was killed. I believe that they let Yaseem live, however I'm not sure that her and Stephen were ever re-united.


simple solution, Stephen cuts his arm off, eliminating the chip, and goes to his love.
Such a idiotic ending/ Time ran out and lets get this over. BAH!


I just finished the whole series. I thought, Stephen was writing a suicide note in the end. Therefore the crying, therefore the last thought of Yasim. Why should he trust Eleanor? Her saying that his brother died long ago and that Yasim went back home must look like a lie to him - because both have already been killed. He was really brave for the first time in his life and everything went wrong + the love of his life might be dead. It's a pretty sad ending, though I really liked the series.
