Amusement Park Cheating

It really annoyed me that he broke the rules in the Amusement Park episode. The entire point of the series is working within the boundaries. Really negates everything when he cheats.



BOO-HOO! Write a letter.

Jeff is way cuter than Dae-Yum Yum!


So from your comments, I'd guess you'd have him turn round and say, "sorry, can't do it, failed... tell the 500 (or whatever) guests they're not being fed, go and get a burger somewhere in the park"...

For God's sake, it's a reality show... it's obviously scripted to some extent... he arrives in a strange town and bam!! he knows where is open at 3am to buy all the stuff he needs... the timing is always to the wire... how could you believe you would ever get to watch a show where he fails to deliver??

It's plainly not a case of failing, but of having the minor disasters that happen and how he adapts to them, that makes it entertainment and also, for those of us who actually cook ourselves, educational!!



He could have went without the seafood...aka he didn't really need it.


What do you expect from someone who has lied about their past jobs?

The show was a joke when the truth came out.

Another poster in this thread basically said that they didn't care that the rules were being "broken" because the alternative would have been, for lack of a better word to describe it, bad. If he fails he fails. Cheating or "bending the rules" makes a bigger mockery of the show than any of the other controversy's could ever do.

"You've shown your quality sir. The very highest."
