Thank you Food Network

I am so happy that Robert is back. I saw the commercial for Dinner Impossible this weekend and started yelling. I'm happy that Food Network saw that Michael was no comparison to Robert.

" Adam I've known you a long time, and I actually like you " __ ERICA KANE All My Children.


I feel the same way.


great news! now it makes me wanna watch the show again :)

reply actually discuss the content of the show now. I'll go first. I don't know how he does these challenges with the equipment that isn't designed for the type of use he's going to put it through.



Yah! I wanna add a "thank you" to Food Network too!! ^o^ I just caught an episode last night and it was one of his toughest challenges over food not being prepared on time but they made it somehow. Sooo happpyyy!!

I can easily see the care and pride that he takes in the challenge compared to Symon where it's hop hop get it done.


Thank you SO much for bringing back Robert, not its a show worth watching once again.




He wasn't hired because of his resume. The show was created for him out of his life experiences.

The firing was a PR move by Food Network, and a bad one. They've made the right decision now.



That's an excellent point.

And in the end, the love you take, is equal to the love you make.


Food Network can say they don't like liers which is fine but the fact Robert obviously drew solid ratings and Simon probably made the Food network overlook the past. It's about money in the end.


The show was created for him out of his life experiences.
Like experiences at the Royal School of Cookery which were fabricated.

The guy, like the network, is a huge joke. He was likely brought back because of $$$ and not because of any "right" decision.

"You've shown your quality sir. The very highest."


You are chugging the Robert Irvine Hatorade aren't you?


I hate liars, especially blatant ones. Irvine pretty much fits that description. I've seen better men fired for less, and they didn't get their jobs back a year later.

"You've shown your quality sir. The very highest."


he's cooking with a hot air balloon! legend.

I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, who said, "... I drank what?"


Great episode. Very tough challenge with the balloons arriving at different times.


the new military episode is most intense ever!

I was thinking of the immortal words of Socrates, who said, "... I drank what?"
