MovieChat Forums > Side Sho (2007) Discussion > Better than these 'reviewers' think

Better than these 'reviewers' think

Because they let anyone post a review, you get some really clueless people writing in these spaces. A lot of them sound like not-too-bright teenagers with bad manners and worse writing abilities.

Sidesho isn't half bad, in fact it's a very entertaining movie. I saw it in a theater, and the entire audience was 'into' the movie the entire time, plenty of gasps, stifled screams and (when appropriate) laughter throughout the film.

It has it's flaws, as do all low budget movies, yet it also has some strong parts (the 'dog' & the comic books come to mind) and it's an interesting film all the way through, which is more than you can say for many movie in this budget range.

While there was a bit of over-acting in parts, several of the actors are talented (the father, the Barker, the caretaker) and did a great job in this film. J.D, Hart is a fine actor, and it's a shame to besmirch his talent because he appears in a film with no budget behind it and several first-time actors. Same with J.R. Reynolds; anyone claiming these two can't act clearly knows nothing about acting nor what constitutes talent.

It's a shame to let a few naysayers with no talent for reviewing or appreciation for what to expect from a B horror movie ruin a pretty good effort and entertaining film.
