I. Hate. This. Show.

I tried to like it I really did I tried to appreciate the "educational" approach that the show takes. And both my kids seem to enjoy it so I thought why not just let it go right?! But no no no no no no. The butterfly episode pissed me off but I moved on. Now I'm sitting here with my two-year-old watching the special about rain and I just can't. It's not so much that it's physically impossible for it to rain underwater but that they had to call off their kickball game because of the rain because they "didn't want to get wet." Really?! If you're going to create a kid show based on underwater characters that's supposed to be educational at least do your best to stick with themes that go along with being underwater.


Really cuz talking underwater fish children is so realistic ITS A KIDS SHOW for crying out loud if you don't like it because the physics are all messed up then watch something else


I agree with the initial post. Having your underwater characters swim past an underwater lake or go into underwater space is just plain lazy on the writers behalf.


The episode where the snail (RuPaul) was in drag and they kept making jokes about it really irritated me. Don't get me wrong, I have NOTHING against drag queens but really? It's being incorporated into little kids educational shows now? Dislike!


Then. Don't. Watch. It.
