MovieChat Forums > Sanctuary (2008) Discussion > That finale was Incredible!

That finale was Incredible!

I won't lie, I didn't enjoy this series on a whole, I thought it was a bit, well rubbish.
But after those last 10 minutes they can cover so many more stories now!
I really hope it gets renewed again!


The last ten minutes of the finale saved a crappy collection of episodes. This season has been a total bust in my opinion. But if they don't get renewed, at least that is a good place to end, rather than a cliffhanger.



I am really hoping for another season. They have the chance to really change things up. They can either go with abnormals being out in the open after Magnus' announcement or the complete opposite. Lay low and let the media claim Magnus' claim was pure bunk and just a ploy to disrupt the containment spill or whatever the government cover story was.

Underground in that vast complex, you could introduce a vast array of new characters, as well as utilize the both the newly revamped Hollow earth and top world settings.

Helen could have been saved by Druitt or Ashley appearing and porting her out, or something equally as cheesy that works. ;) Because I can't wait to hear what Tesla has to say about that kiss.

I want to see Kate's wedding and especially Henry's baby HAP!

Yes, I can absolutely use my own imagination to fill in the blanks of Will, Declan, and the rest carrying on in the new Sanctuary setting, but like any regular fan of the show - I want more!

I really hope the announcement on Facebook tonight that there is no confirmation on a season 5 turns into a definite season 5.


Helen could have been saved by Druitt or Ashley appearing and porting her out, or something equally as cheesy that works. ;) Because I can't wait to hear what Tesla has to say about that kiss.

Is this your speculation or did you miss the part of the ep where Helen was putting on Henry's jacket type device he was creating to protect the wearer? She was putting it on and almost had it on when she looked at the countdown and realized she had a couple seconds left. I took it to mean she either got it on or just having it half on combined with her ability saved her. Druitt didn't know anything about this plan let alone what was happening, if he's still alive, so couldn't have saved her, and Ashley, we haven't had much mention of her so there's not much to hope she's alive let alone could have known about this plan and saved her mom if she was.

Minds are like books, they only function when open.


About Ashley, you know what they always say on shows like this. No body....usually easily means no death.


That was true wasn't it?


I hope ashley doesn't return, unless they find a better actress to replace her.


Agree with the OP, the season was utterly horrible, but the finale was well worth hanging in there..

I don't know, Butchie, instead.


Okay, I think the finale was great because it went a lot of places at a fast pace.
We had Helen breaking with the government and exposing the aliens etc. We had the PTB trying to exterminate the abnormals and cover it up, yes it was the 1990s conspiracy craze again.

Now what would be a message board without a complaint? They should have started all of that, such as the quarantine cover story, earlier. If we are to wring our hand about "story arcs" they need more arc during the season. Some of the 9 minute segments in the finales could have been an entire self contained episode.

Thus a season that seemed to crawl along suddenly sprinted out of the blocks in the finale.


Sometimes it is so amazing how viewers watching the same show see completely different things. I really liked season 4. In my opinion it has been one of the best, if not THE best of the seasons. The drama between the characters this season was off-the-charts phenomenal!I felt the pacing of events was wonderful. I hate rushed storytelling and even though some stories were told a little too fast for my liking, I still immensely enjoyed them.

I both loved and hated the ending of the finale. The Old City Sanctuary was the absolute perfect backdrop against which to set the events of this series and now it's gone and shall be replaced by a generic, cliched, technologically futuristic sci-fi setting. The entire atmosphere of the show is literally changing. I know a lot of people disagree, but what was awesome about this show was that it didn't feel like a "sci-fi" show. In the past couple of seasons I've seen the focus shifting from personal stories of abnormals and cool insights into mythology to generic sci-fi advanced technology. I am a die-hard horror fan and the mix of gothic, horror elements with science fiction, in my opinion, is a perfect combination that allows for a wider range of story exploration.

I really hope they don't lose their edge! In my opinion the show needs to keep going darker. The darker episodes they've done have usually been the best ones. They do it well, I don't think they should be afraid to explore that more. I personally want a season 5 and I want them to explain how the hell humans managed to defeat a race as strong as the Vampires when apparently not even the Praxians could do it!


I'm glad others found this season enjoyable; I didn't, mostly because it seemed like a bunch of missed opportunities and instances of the writers trying to convince us of things rather than making us suspect them ourselves. They over-used some characters (like Will -- he is still undefined and has no real role other than everyone insisting he is good enough to take over the Sanctuary network when Helen isn't around... WHY?? where has he grown? what has he done? what has he ever said that makes him qualified?) and under-use others (like the remaining members of the Five), and the plot arcs are just...

Here are a few of my complaints.

If one of your primary actors wants out for some reason or another, does it not make sense to use him in a character that is a fan favorite rather than a background figure? I'm speaking of course of Christopher H., who wanted to do limited episodes this season. Why Bigfoot and not Druitt? Why not explore what happened to Druitt in the explosion? Is he dead? Christopher believes so, but Amanda isn't so sure. Still, if he IS dead, it would have been nice to have Helen deal with that emotionally, or have some kind of conversation about it. It's like he never existed.

Tesla. I cannot figure out why when you have an actor that is this funny, this quirky, and this much on the mark, playing out a character that is flat-out hilarious, sarcastic, bitchy and rude, that you would not use him more and to a greater extent. I realize Jonathan is busy with theater but they could involve him more -- and should, because other than my fondness for Helen as a character, Tesla is pretty much my main draw to the series. (I admit it, I'm biased -- I love the Five way more than any of the Scooby Gang.)

This show has a long history of ignoring brilliant plot arcs in favor of one-shot episodes. Back in season one when they went up against the Cabal they had a golden opportunity to enthrall an audience with taking down this massive, evil organization -- and then it all happened off-screen. Another week goes by and it's life as usual. Where was the drama? Where was the action? Where was dealing with the repercussions of grief and violence and seeing John go off the deep end? How about dealing with his psychosis after doing something like that?

Taking down the Cabal could have been the primary arc for an entire season, with a backdrop of other investigations and things going on... why not use it??

The thing is... they keep on doing doing stuff like that. Sending Helen back in time was a brilliant opportunity to completely rework the show, work with a new historical settings and characters, and a week later, Helen's back and totally seems normal, even though she hasn't seen any of them for 100+ years? WHY??

And then there are the unexplained things we are supposed to agree with, with no proof. Will says that Helen has been acting suspicious and secretive and weird -- has she? I didn't notice anything other than him accusing her of it. I spent half of that episode where they are trapped in the cave wondering what his problem with her was.

I hate that I didn't enjoy this season much. I have loved the show from the start and it was my favorite thing on television for three seasons. But something changed this year. Either the frustration of constantly hoping for it to live up to its potential finally wore me out, or it just wasn't the right plot arc for me. I'll give it another watch on my DVR but I don't think I'll be adding it to my DVD collection -- and that makes me kind of sad.


Even though I am a bigger fan of the Sanctuary gang than the five, I still feel your pain. I feel there have been things in all seasons that have been left unaddressed, but I am usually okay with that because they usually eventually circle back around to things. Also I kind of like that things aren't always tied up in a neat package, that sometimes we're left to wonder. I do wish they'd address the Druitt situation as well. I was very perplexed when Chris H. indicated in an interview that Druitt was dead. I really love him in Jack the Ripper mode and think he makes a great villain/chaotic neutral ally, but with the direction they have been taking the series I don't see much of a use for his character besides flashback episodes about the five maybe. I'm sure there are plenty of possibilities out there for all the characters, but I did find what they did in season 4 for the most part to be very interesting.

I disagree about Will. I personally have seen a lot of growth in his character, but most of it has been from the hard truths he's had to face as a result of his position at the Sanctuary. He is still not as competent a fighter as others, but his strengths lie elsewhere and that's okay. I don't want each team member to be a clone of the others. Also, the fact that he has the guts to challenge Magnus, his mentor/boss/friend who has centuries of life experience, is pretty darn impressive. He has shown good leadership abilities throughout the series as well.

I actually did see a real shift in Helen's character this season. Some of the changes were relatively subtle, but they are definitely there. She was very guarded and seemingly much more unattached emotionally, but then at times there would be these cracks in that veneer and we'd get a glimpse of what was going on underneath. I thought Amanda did such a beautiful job with this. I think it was the point to be subtle, not to tip off the audience that she was hiding something right away, but still feel like something was off. She was also way more flirty with Tesla this season which I actually wasn't a big fan of. I have always really enjoyed their dynamic, but this season some of the flirting seemed contrived and annoying. I like gaining new insights into their past and their friendship, but some moments really came off as "we're acting flirty now because we think it will make fans happy".

I'm sorry you didn't enjoy this season so much. Hopefully your second view will make you feel a little better about it. Hopefully we'll get a season 5 and all those burning questions will get answered.


Don't know if it was said but Christopher H. is in the new show on AMC Hell on Wheels, so maybe that conflicted a bit with the Sanctuary schedule? as for the show i may be one of the few that actually enjoy the and find no problems with it.
