A Great Documentary- but How Good Are They Really

I am a huge fan, have all the albums and saw them several times in the 70's.But it is curious how few crossover great songs he has produced. Beyond "American Girl" you are struggling outside of the converted, and none of his albums really earns "classic" status. Is he a poor man's Southern Springsteen? Yet his pedigree and longevity are undisputed? Howcome? This is not explored. I believe it is down to Petty's ability to absorb and then reinvent familiar sounds. You get recognisable, clever well crafted songs, but never anything truly original. Is he a synthesiser of musical styles not an originator?


I think Springsteen's crossover songs mainly came from the Born In The USA album, obviously the likes of Born To Run and Thunder Road are widely known outside of his fanbase but so many of his great songs are probably not familar to a lot of people. It's the same with Jackson Browne-just about everyone knows Running On Empty, The Pretender and Doctor My Eyes but again there are dozens of magnificent songs that should have been huge hits but weren't.
So I don't think Petty is all that different to the Boss in terms of crossover songs. What about Wallflowers? I'd say that is a classic album, for me it's Tom's greatest record but none of my friends had heard of it!


You are nuts. There is a reason the greatest hits album sold over 10 million copies. Here in America (not sure where you are from) songs like 'Breakdown', 'Refugee', 'I Won't Back Down', 'Free Fallin'' and 'Mary Jane's Last Dance' were huge hits and have been radio staples for decades.

'Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers', 'Damn the Torpedoes' and 'Full Moon Fever' are all considered classic albums.


Agreed, Gerry
I don't know where the OP is from. But, like you said, those songs plus You Got Lucky, Stop Draggin' My Heart Around (with Stevie Nicks), I Need to Know. plus more. Now, some may not have been #1 with a bullet, but they're still damn good songs. Me, personally, I like Tom more than Bruce. I know I'll probably get a lot of flack for it, but IMO Tom has better songs. Bruce has great songs as well, but I can listen to Tom any time. Bruce I sometimes have to be in the mood for.


Even tho' I'm a contemporary of Tom Petty, I really never listened to The Heartbreakers much until I saw this documentary. Not only is it a finely crafted film, but it's a wonderful story and it's clear Mr. Petty and his posse are genuinely themselves and true to their music.

As much as I enjoy Springsteen, I tend to agree with you, hackerman .... I have to be in the mood to listen to Bruce. Tom Petty music just seems to fit into most of my moods.

Tom Petty's fearless and clever battle with the recording moguls is fascinating. Plus, he's really a band leader ... not a prima dona headliner who hires backup. After seeing the recent documentary about The Eagles ... I appreciate the Heartbreakers even more.

Fine job, Mr. Bogdanovich ... that some great filmmaking and storytelling.

( ~\/


Don't know where you are coming from on this. Full Moon Fever all by itself is hit parade. I don't know of anyone who doesn't know at least a few bars of "Won't Back Down".

I would agree, he's the Southern Springsteen, and nothing poor about it. He and the Heartbreakers are right on Bruce and the E Street's level of American rock legends.


I love classic Springsteen and the E Street Band, but I think Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers has stayed at a high level of quality much longer. Until seeing this documentary, I would have said they were good for nearly twenty years. But this has opened my eyes to their later music, after they dropped off the charts, still being really good (I'm listening to the excellent "Last DJ" right now). Whereas with Springsteen, his quality dropped off before his chart success did, so I witnessed the sad decline.

My top 250: http://www.flickchart.com/Charts.aspx?user=SlackerInc&perpage=250


uh, Wildflowers, hello?

You obviously have never listened to it OP.


Tom Petty is not the southern Springsteen! Springsteen is the New Jersey Dylan ! I prefer Tom Petty Jackson Browne John Mellencamp John Fogerty and Bob Seger over Springsteen !


Tom Petty's rare greatness is his style of band leadership.
At least among successful recording bands.
His songs are great but the simplicity is deceptive...(his melody lines are very short) ...is it great if it's that easy to play. Of course maybe more so.
He's not proving anything to anyone and he won't take *beep* from anyone.
They should teach this in schools.
He's remarkable and one of the least affected performers as well..
He doesn't shy from rock posturing but it's never exaggerated it's part of his music.
Anyone who has to leave his home town because the rock festivals they created got too big is a freak.
I'd compare his to John Lennon like that.


After viewing this documentary, I think I like him more than I like his music.



Good point. I just saw Mudcrutch perform in Atlanta and I like their sound better than The Heartbreakers, even though they share some of the same musicians.
