
Fox News republicans will tell u in a heart beat that the Democratic Party was the party of the confederacy......200 YEARS AGO and at the same time don't want the confederate flag taken down along with their statues lol. Someone should put up a statue of Hitler in front of the Fox News building and then ask them to if that statue should be taken down or is it a part of no one complained when the Iraqis tore down Sudam Hussein's statue......they were removing a symbol of horror but still a symbol of their history


It was the democrats that put the flag up in 1961. Let's not forget that.

In the kingdom of the blind, you're the village idiot.


Yea that's true but like I said it's the republicans who are crying that it's being taken down.


A lot of Republicans do support removal of the flag from state property. I do, too. What many don't support is the removal of statues and other memorials. It's reminiscent of Islamic conquests, when the 'idols' of the conquered peoples were smashed or defaced. The Confederate battle flag is a symbol of the Confederacy, which was an enemy of the United States whose existence was precipitated by a desire to own slaves. However, statues of Confederate people are just that: statues of people. In this case, those people were on the wrong side of history, but they were still just people and not symbols. The recent exhumation and assassination of the image of Robert E. Lee is especially disturbing; although far from a perfect man, he was opposed to slavery and was happy when the practice was abolished. He recognized it as an evil, both to the blacks enslaved and the poor whites who were also negatively affected by that system. There were undoubtedly evil men in the history of the United States, but Lee was not one of them.


While I respect your opinion on this topic i will make these two points. If I told you I don't believe in the extermination of Jewish people but at the same time fought for the nazi army as a commander how would you view me? Would you want a statue of me in the parks or outside a museum? No....and Forget about just slavery in the south, blacks were being killed left and right for nothing. Also to your point about statues, while I do think they should be taken down I do not think they should be destroyed. I agree with people that they should be placed in a museum because history is history and history should never be forgotten or erased from memories.
