Hilarious movie

I found this DVD last year in a close out bin at Blockbusters for 99 cents. But did not watch till last night when I saw that Colin Firth was in it. He is as good funny as he is a serious actor. THe movie was hilarious. Haven't laughed so much in a long time. That is the way Brits make their funny movies. Sad thing is there was a sequel but it has not been made for US market yet (region 1). Rupert Everett (in two roles no less), Colin - so funny and so "bare" (watch the bloopers on the DVD), Russell Brand in all his loonie-ness. And those wild and wacky girls. What's not to like?


I'd see it for 99ยข's - that sounds about right.

We'll be singing
When we're winning
We'll be singing...
