MovieChat Forums > St. Trinian's (2007) Discussion > American audiences are going to be surpr...

American audiences are going to be surprised.

I thought this would be a good film for my tweener daughter like a Mean Girls; a little risque, but she is pretty precocious and very intelligent so no big deal. Besides it is loosely a remake of a 1954 Ealing comedy. Was I ever wrong. There are going to be some PO'd parents out there that take their 10 to 14 year old daughters to this film, and find out they were Clueless about it. I don't think it translates well over the pond and will do terribly at the box office. It is a marketers nightmare. Just who is it made for? Besides maybe a 15-17 year old demographic, and child molesters I don't see much of an audience for this film. I love British humor normally. "Withnail and I" and "Death at a Funeral" are both in my top 5 comedies, but this one was a big miss in my opinion.


Just who is it made for? 1

Tracking for "Trinian's" is strong among "mall audiences.".


"mall audiences"= like I said 15-17 year old girls and child molesters.


Well it found a big enough audience in the UK. It made the top twenty of the most successful movies in 2007 ($25 million). It also is the third most successful British independent film of all time.

But I agree about it doing horrible in the US. After all it took Keira Knightly to star in the first Pirates movie for 'Bend it like Beckham' to be a hit in the US. It had to re-released because before Pirates nobody went to see it.


I think its pretty sick that you made the "child molester" remark. I'm 33 and my kids and I found this to be a very funny movie, with excellent humor and always something to laugh at it. If American audiences dont like what Australian and UK audiences have enjoyed for more than two years - probably because they wont get the jokes - thats fine - we loved it. Colin Firth is still a moron but he was trained in America so...???



I'm an American and I enjoyed it.

Then again I really identify with UK humor (Fawlty Towers, anyone? lol), and my best friend is Welsh (which I know will probably annoy many of the native British folks!).


I'm an American, 24 year old girl. According to the OP I guess I must be in the child molester category as I'm too old to fit in the 15-17's.

I loved this movie. It was cute and reminded me of Wild Child or Agnes Thongs, bawdy teen romcoms. Everett did a fantastic job as Camilla. He had me in stitches whenever he was on screen.

If we don't believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don't believe in it at all
