MovieChat Forums > Pathology (2008) Discussion > Was the house where the 2 male leads vis...

Was the house where the 2 male leads visited a bordello or a freak show?

I'm only 20 minutes in and I have a question: I wasn't able to see if the two actors were visiting a whore house or a freak show or something. (My TV isn't the best and the scene was very dim.)I thought it was a bordello at first because of the child in the playpen and the mother was lying on the bed but why did that make the lead character sick?

I would really like to know this!


it seemed like both types and i think he got sick because of taking some hard drugs

Rob Zombie is one of the greatest directors today


You sure know your lingo and slang. Bordello? WTF is that??? Are you some sort of brothels-specialist? Or a psycho serial killer? Or both?

Anyway, why can't you watch the whole movie (pile of garbage) and ask questions when it's over? Are you going to ask a question on this board every 20 minutes throughout the film? My god, the technology!



Lol you're the moron because you insulted me for no reason. If you don't have a sense of humour go buy youself one. Instead of froilicking (destroying... how's that for an alt word lol) your lips with lame piercings just to imitate 948,459,543 other teen girls who do exactly the same because you're not unique, you don't have a personality of your own, you just want to be another cheap copy.


So because some does something different, you again make another horrid assumption, which is they aren't unique?


No, you didn't do something different, you just copied billions of other teens who get a piercing in their lips, to be like them, like sheep, not unique, not different.


Wouldn't it be sheepish to believe that doing something different is odd?

Such as just trying to fit in?

Also, you say I copied... if someone does something someone else does is it automatically copying? Such as people believing in aliens on the other side of the world as well.

People CAN do things w/o the influence of others.


Unlike you think, yes IT IS STILL POSSIBLE to be original.

Where did you see piercings for the first time? TV? A magazine? So, you copied the person you saw on the magazine or TV, he or she INFLUENCED you. END OF STORY.


Unlike you think, yes IT IS STILL POSSIBLE to be original.

Of course, people w/ lip peircings do many of the things that societies drones do.

Where did you see piercings for the first time? TV? A magazine? So, you copied the person you saw on the magazine or TV, he or she INFLUENCED you. END OF STORY.

So anyone that does anything they see someone else do is a let me see...

like sheep, not unique, not different.

your lips with lame piercings

you're not unique,

you don't have a personality of your own,

you just want to be another cheap copy.

Bottom line is, YOUR the sheep, b/c you think piercings are "lame" anything out of the norm is "lame"


The big guy at the door was prostituting out the people inside.
The actor got sick because of a. he was high off drugs and alcohol BUT mainly b. because the woman his traveling buddy was about to get it on with was about an 80 year old woman.

And I don't think it was just your TV the way it was shot is really dark, making many things hard to see. Which is a bonus because somethings should remain in the dark-like this movie.


*** Spoiler Alert ***

It was the apartment of guy who answered the door and took the $80, who we also see dead the next day. The old woman was his Grandmother as it was stated in a scene afterwards.


To Whom It May Concern:

It was just a guy selling his family for $ex. Even the baby they showed was available. So when he is killed it's no big deal.
