MovieChat Forums > The Sorcerer's Apprentice (2010) Discussion > Hands up Who LIKED Baruchels Voice?

Hands up Who LIKED Baruchels Voice?

Bear with me I have reasons.

Now if you DID like his voice or at least didn't find it similar to chewing tin foil are you from the USA or Canada?

Answers on a postcard here please:

(I am wondering whether Americans/Canadians didn't find his voice excruciating because they are used to accents via the nasal passage/lazy palate.)

Sam: Put a bullet in your brain or leave your family forever"
Dean: Hey don't sugar coat it Sam"


I like his voice, but since he's Canadian, wouldn't it stand to reason that you should ask who is from the United States OR Canada?

For my part, I live in Florida where we have a lot of different accents especially most of the Canadian provinces.


Of course you are right, so sorry that I forgot to add Canada!
I have now updated the entry to read correctly.

Apologies again.

Sam: Put a bullet in your brain or leave your family forever"
Dean: Hey don't sugar coat it Sam"


didn't watch the film because of this %$#$#$@#, really Who can stand his voice? Most north american actor already have a somewhat very anoying accent, but after some minutes into the movie i just couldn't watch anymore.

The bad guys were the best actors imho.

(no i'm not british, and english is not my mother language)


Some of us don't judge people by accents and speech patterns.


I guess I'm weird because I actually didn't mind his voice at all. (I'm from Mid-Michigan).


I loved his voice, but he did sound like he was doing a bit of a Christian Slater impression. which is already a knock of jack nicholson.

"I said no camels, that's five camels, can't you count?"


I love his voice. I'm from the United States, from the South.

I agree with a poster above that he sounds a bit like young Christian Slater, another voice I've always liked. I think it's so refreshing to have actors who don't have "Hollywood" voices. I tend to like nasally voices (I've noticed many Canadians have a more nasal sound, like Mike Meyers?) though, so perhaps that's not common? I had no idea there was such hate for people's voices.


I see no difference on his voice or accent, not my business.
But I LOVE Baruchel in this movie, generally.
I say he did a fantastic character, and it truly reminds me of Mickey. I love that.

Do you recognize my voice...?


I thought the actor, the voice, and his acting style were all terrific. Anything that gets us away from LaBeouf.

"I said no camels, that's five camels, can't you count?"


His voice just adds to the wonder of this movie. I love seeing someone play a main role in a movie that is not your typical hunky, smooth talking actor. It gives the movie a more "real" appeal and truly enhances what Disney was looking for in this character. You don't hear too many people complaining about his voice in "How to Train Your Dragon"


He sounded like the combination of a stereotypical nerd/mad scientist and a redneck. Idk, I'm Canadian and I grew up with this guy and I never found his voice so grating before. I actually thought he was doing the voice... ? It's why I came to this board, actually.

I found Nicholas Cage to be terrible too, though, especially when they said 'MORGAANITE' with some overly American accent. They should have made this film in the UK.

Buffy vs Edward: Twilight Remixed


I can't complain about Baruchel's voice. I think it fitted well to the character, but heck, I'm from Indonesia, I speak with an American accent, or British if I'm in the mood, and what do I know about Canadian accents?

forherwealth, I agree with you. Nicolas Cage was the worst part of this movie.

Dear Agony, I want you in the Hunger Games.


My hand is definitely up. I'm from Copenhagen, Denmark = )


Yeah, I like his voice. I'm from the UK.


I'm Filipino, born and raised in the Philippines, and I thought Baruchel's voice was irritating as fk. This was the first time I ever had any issues with an actor's voice. I've seen a ton of American movies and TV shows, and this guy just takes the cake as "the actor who has the most annoying voice evarrr." It also didn't help that he screamed and yelled every 2 seconds during the intense scenes. It's like...couldn't he keep his mouth shut for 5 seconds?!

While I was watching The Sorcerer's Apprentice, I never really realized that he was also the guy from Knocked Up (one of Seth Rogen's character's friend). A couple days after I saw this movie, Knocked Up (which I already saw months prior) was playing on HBO or something. I sat and watched it again...and then came Jay Baruchel's character: the annoying dweeb. His acting doesn't even come off as "the likable, awkward dork" anymore (like some of the roles Michael Cera tends to play), he just comes off as a dork. A dork whose face I want to punch in everytime he opens his mouth.


I like Jay's voice. I am from the U.S. and I live in the northeast. Sure, it is a bit nasally, but it doesn't bother me. I agree with wolfmagic6 about seeing an actor onscreen who doesn't look and sound like your typical Hollywood hunk--it's boring.

"I won't pretend to be your friend cause I'm just not that nice." -Tairrie B Murphy of My Ruin
