The other side

Could they not have gotten down from the other side? I could never figure that out. Go to the side where the Mayans aren't standing.


I think they were ringing it. The leader had them standing all around.

Let a little insanity into your life.


the vines would actually alert the tribes whenever the group tried to sneak out or escape. in addition the temple was surrounded by several encampments.


The villagers set up camp all around the structure, the group even watched them do it from above...


watching this now while placing music on my ipod just to have something the book it said the Mayans formed a perimeter around the ruins and they had guys patrolling to make sure that they didn't go down one of the other sides of the pyramid. it shows jeff watching the mayans coming and going and even says they are setting up camps.


I'm pretty sure if you're going to quarantine someone like the Mayans were, you'd have enough sense to surround the area. Give them some credit. Admittedly common sense doesn't abound in this type of movie, but still...
